Community Notebook

16 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Good morning everyone, good afternoon, or whatever! The sun is out on this Flag Day, June 14.
The past week has been a gloomy one, weather-wise, so we are happy to see Ol’ Sol. How is it where you live?
   Joyce Miller has been on the “sick list” but Joyce is better now.
Also I can say the same thing about Wilson Campbell. Winfield had bronchitis and has relief now too. Good for them.
Yvonne Hastey of Pennsylvania, formerly of Lee Apartments and not of Ricker Plaza, is a visitor of Jean Adams.
On Thursday of last week, we gathered in the community room to honor Harold McCarthy’s 84th birthday. His wife Janice gave us all cake and ice cream and there was an extra cake, in case anyone wanted chocolate. Debbie McCarthy, Harold and Janice’s daughter, was present to help in the festivities. She took some pictures as did Connie Barry. Harold was his usual self and had some jokes to tell. Attending: Carolyn Carmichael, Connie Barry, Joyce Miller, Dot Weston, Helena Dickinson, Helen Brewer, Saddie Carmichael, Ken Thibodeau, Shirley Nason, Doris Hogan, Lillian Stairs, Bob and Carmen Chasse, and yours truly, Lois Downing. It was a fun time! Congratulations to Harold.
I found a Pre-Kindergarten diploma in the parking lot, made out to JackLynn Ramsey and signed by Mrs. Howe, dated June 11. Apparently, JackLynn Ramsey lost this certificate. If you want it, please stop by as I would like the rightful owner to have the same.
Understand that Floyd Ivey was a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital recently. Floyd’s mother used to live here and was a wonderful person.
Congratulations to Marion Hogan who officially became 90 on June 13, Saturday. Her open house will be June 20 in the community room. Marion received fresh roses, and other spring flowers. The best part was a visit from daughter Veronica from Bangor. Veronica had her daughter Victoria with her too and that was a nice treat to see one of her granddaughters.
Doris Hogan is expecting to see one of her granddaughters from the Carolinas when she is in the vicinity soon.
Just a notice from our church bulletin: Saint Mary of the Visitation Church is celebrating the 170th anniversary of its parish. The local Knights of Columbus is hosting a chicken barbecue after the 10:30 a.m. (only for that date) Mass on June 21. That date, June 21, is also Father’s Day. Our pastor wants everyone to know that there is no cost for the barbecue and everyone is welcome but donations are accepted. Come and enjoy our beautiful and very modern, I might add, church.
We all wanted Ella, our hairdresser, on Thursday. Ella, you are solely needed here. I was at Ricker before we had our little boutique, so it is so handy to have our own hairdresser.
My thought for the day is: Thank goodness for angels and children; they have so much in common. Both are pure in heart and have boundless ability to love.
Have a wonderful week, safe and keep healthy.

Happy Losers

By Shirley Sides 
On June 10 the weekly meeting of the Happy Losers was held at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 11 ladies weigh-in and 10 attended our class.
Lois Green was the loser for the week, and runner-up was Frances McKenney. Great job ladies!
We decided we needed another contest. One team will be the Hotdogs and the other team will be Hamburgers. Fun huh!
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Jackie Pratt, our leader led the program with a quiz of five questions. The answers were interesting and informative.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday 7:30-8:45 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. for more information., call 365-4884.

TOPS #ME 233, Houlton

Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, June 12 meeting.
Weighed in were 15 members plus four KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Joyce Estey is the official leader and Elinor Harvey greeted everyone.
Losers of the week were Gerry McAfee and Lois Downing.
Weight recorder’s report was given by Joanne Scott.
Winning the drawings were: Aileen Smith, 50/50; skinny dish, Melva Folsom and the mystery gift, Joanne Scott.
Our contests, such as smiley, and other such names, according to leader Joyce, will start in July. The members voted on increasing dues from $1 to $2. Other changes were made in the bylaws.
A can to be brought by Vicki Little will be available to those who want to put extra money in for future use.
Next Saturday, June 20 is a workshop in Frenchville, hosted by a Madawaska chapter. Joyce read some facts about this workshop.
We spent several minutes in exercises, led by Barbara Troy.
Most of our meeting was spent on changes on bylaws and distributing charms.
Charm lady, Melva Folsom presented a charm KOPS pin to Chapter Queen Barbara Grant. Other presentations were: loser of the month, January, Brenda Lacostic; loser of the month, February, Melva Folsom, loser of the month, March, Margaret Dudley and loser of the month for April, also Margaret Dudley.
For perfect attendance: Ardella Bennett, Lois Downing, Joyce Estey, Melva Folsom, Kay Grass, Betty Ivey, Elinor Harvey, Brenda Lacostic, Janette Nelson and Aileen Smith.
Charms for six weeks of no gain were given to Ardella Bennett, Margaret Dudley and Brenda Lacostic.
For KOPS in leeway: Lois Downing, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent.
Our TOPS 233 meets every Friday at the same location as above. The weigh-in time is 8-8:45, then the meeting starts at 9 a.m and usually ends at 10 o’clock.
If you find a need to call about information on the chapter, you can reach Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Everyone is welcome.

Purple Hat Society

By Lois Downing
Elm Tree Diner in Houlton was the restaurant we visited and dined in for our Purple Hat meeting Tuesday, June 9. We gathered in a new room off the main dining room and we all were comfortably seated.
After our meal, which Lois Downing offered grace, Charlotte Marley, leader, greeted everyone. Many were absent with colds, other plans and various activities.
Nancy Lawrence, living in Oakfield with her mother Jackie Kennedy, was present. She joined the club a few meetings ago.
Names were given by the ladies starting with the first letter of each name, such as mine is Lois, so I am, “Lovey,” Arlene is “Available.” That’s always a fun thing to hear.
Next we had Cindy Gray read some jokes as did Charlotte Marley. Charlotte’s was on anybody, somebody, and everybody. Cindy’s was “Out of the mouths of babes.” Also, very good.
Charlotte asked, “What are the four seasons?” The answer is salt, pepper, mustard and relish.”
Mentioned on the sick list was Velma Cale. Velma will have surgery soon. Hope you are doing well, Velma.
For Father’s Day, only two members have living fathers, Cindy Gray and Sandra Holmes. Happy Father’s Day to them.
We were informed too by Charlotte that it was National Strawberry/Rhubarb Day, so that is nice to know. Any good recipes out there? One of my favorites is strawberry/rhubarb pie and jam.
We sang “Happy Birthday” to the members observing birthdays in June: Margaret Dudley, Shirley Smith, Evelyn Burpee and Sandra Holmes. Evelyn and Sandra were present, and so we sang to them.
The winner of the purple shoe was Cindy Gray. It was beautiful!
Charlotte passed around candy from the Purple Hat ladies’ visit to Gardiner’s Nursing facility, where they visited several weeks ago.
Attending from Dyer Brook: Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti: from Smyrna, Charlotte Marley, Cindy Gray and Peggy Sanders. Also from Oakfield, Maureen Bird, Alma Clark, Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Lawrence, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Sandra Holmes, Evelyn Burpee and Delores Locke; from Merrill, Arlene Friel. From New Limerick, Doreen Messina; from Houlton, Lois Downing.
The next meeting place has not been determined. Please watch the Pioneer Times for the restaurant name and time.
For questions and comments, you may contact leader Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Oakfield Seniors
On June 3, 31 members of the Oakfield senior citizens met at the Oakfield snow mobile club for a potluck lunch, which was enjoyed by all. The blessing and card report was given by Wannetta Townsend. The Lord’s Prayer and flag salute was led by Bob Locke. The treasures report was read and approved, as was the secretary’s report.
Starting next meeting, we will be having a 50-50 instead of mystery gifts. Nacie, Pete and Marir were the winners of the mystery gifts. We had one new member join welcome Nacie Fowler. Old business
and new business was discussed.
Attending was Tessie Barret, Helen and Jim Bloise, David Burpee, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Velma Cale, Bernice Campbell, Alma Clark, Doreen and Joe Messina, Thelma F lowers, Arlene Friel, Nancy Lawrence, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Jackie Kennedy, Ursula Levesque, Wannetta Townsend, Bob and Dee Locke, Charlotte Lowell, Charlotte Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Roger Either, Nacie Fowler, Ginni Garrett, Shirley Smith, Elden Peters, and Pete Peters.