Community Notebook

16 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
It’s a cloudy and overcast day here on Sunday, June 21, as I write this on Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, grandfathers, guardians, priests, etc. You deserve an extra hand today, with blessings from God and his angels.
    Shirley Nason attended her niece’s wedding a couple Saturdays ago. To Shirley’s niece, may she and her husband have a blessed marriage filled with joy and love.
Louis and Josephine Curry observed 60 plus years of marital bliss last week. Not sure if it is 63 or 67 years! Anyway, happy anniversary to a special pair.
Stella Fowler’s sister is visiting her from North Carolina. You can tell they are sisters, once you see them. Hope she has a wonderful visit—I know I’m always happy to visit my sister. Stella lives not far from Ricker Plaza.
June is the month for the rose; June is also a birthstone for pearl and purity; June is National Rivers Month, and Dairy Month.
Marion Hogan observed her 90th birthday on June 20 in the community room at Ricker Plaza. The actual birth date is June 13. Of Marion’s family, four sons, Al, Jimmy, Joey and Thomas, three daughters, Mary, Carmel and Veronica, one son Thomas of New Hampshire and one daughter Veronica were not present. Jimmy, who plays piano by ear, played some hymns his mother likes and we had other music, too. Lots of pictures were taken. Marion was especially pleased that her relatives from Canada were able to come. Several were there from Fredericton, New Brunswick. All in all, it was a nice gathering.
Shirley Nason had a birthday last week. To quote Shirley, “It was one of the best birthdays I’ve had. I enjoyed all my family, brothers and sisters. They came with little gifts, which I love.” Happy Birthday to a lovely person.
Brian and Charlene Henderson attended on Sunday with their family, Ken Bither’s 80th birthday. Ken is his brother-in- Congratulations to Ken.
I attended St. Mary’s of the Visitation Church picnic held at St. Anthony’s Hall on June 21. As Rev. David Raymond said, “We are blessed with a wonderful parish, 170 years.” The parishioners love Father Dave and many came, who otherwise would not be present. Father Dave, as he is commonly called, is a “live one” and has accomplished so much in the year he has been a pastor at St. Mary’s. God bless, Father Dave!
Peggy Robinson arrived home Friday night after attending her son’s wedding in Florida. Her son visited his mother here a while back and was employed for a short time.
Priscilla Brownlow tries to visit her husband at a facility, each afternoon, and other times too, when the weather is favorable.
On another note, you can purchase one or two or more meals on wheels, M.O.W., from our agent, John. Just call 532-6435 before noon of the day before and you will be accommodated.
Maurice and Mary Callnan have been in Nova Scotia recently.
The McCarthys, Harold and Janice, are moving the first of July. They have already started taking some furniture out to their new place.
The second band concert of the season was last Thursday. I haven’t been able to attend yet, but I’m sure they are good as usual. Like I’ve said before, there is a lot of talent in this community.
Eugene Byron and his wife Lavina repotted a plant for me, the plant being an African Violet. It looks like a new plant now. They did such a wonderful job. Thanks, friends. The Byrons are responsible for placing the plant in our lobby; it has such pretty blossoms on it, all white.
Mary Cowperwaite responded to my rhubarb request. I shall try it sometime soon. Thanks, Mary.
My thought for the day is one taken from Psalms 27-7: “Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice; have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee. Thy face, Lord, will I seek, Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger; thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.”
The summer in Aroostook County goes so quickly, enjoy it while you can.

Happy Losers

By Shirley Sides
On June 17th, the Happy Losers held their meeting at the Congregational Church in Island Falls.
We always open our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 16 ladies weigh-in and 12 attended our class.
Loretta Bouchard was the loser of the week and Shirley Sides was runner-up. Great job !
We had a great weight loss for the week, Everyone seems to enjoy the new contest, in fact, we have changed our names. One is the Turkey Dogs and the other is Lean Hamburgers. So far, the Dogs are winning.
We welcomed Ann, Brenda, Joanie and Jeanne back to our group.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Our leader Jackie Pratt, led the program for the week. Her topic was an article on watermelon, plums, coleslaw and carrots.
Please feel welcome to our meeting every Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.

TOPS #ME 233, Houlton

By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, June 19 meeting.
Joyce Estey is our leader.
Fifteen ladies were weighed plus three KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
The runner-up in losing weight for the past week was Janette Nelson.
Barbara Troy led us in 10 minutes of exercises, of a foreign name, using slow motion and it was very relaxing.
Gerry McAfee was the winner of the mystery gift.
Our increase in weekly dues will take effect the first meeting in July, July 3.
Charlotte Marley, contest person, gave us information about the contest we are doing now. We’re using stars on our contest paper, for the Fourth of July.
Our program, given by leader Joyce, was on Miss X, taken from one of the TOPS’ magazines. It proved to be an interesting program.
If you wish more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Our meetings start at 9 a.m. and usually ends an hour later. Before the meeting, weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m.