Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, July 17 meeting.
There were 14 ladies in TOPS and four KOPS) (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) were weighed. Bette Hemore was welcomed back after a long absence.
Joanne Scott gave the weight recorder’s message and Brenda Lacostic filled in for leader Joyce Estey. I gave the minutes of the last meeting.
The loser of the week was Linda Bartlett. The skinny dish winner was Brenda Lacostic.
Linda Trickey was the guest speaker. She has been with us a few times, so most of us were familiar with her work and she also gives us a lot of information. She is a representative of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Linda spoke on how to eat well; her viewpoint is to eat as many natural foods as possible. She had samples of fat contents, one was one pound of fat and the other was five pounds.
Linda explained how to determine what the label on a can means. She had samples of turkey, ham, pizza, cheese and how much fat in each. Sweet potatoes and broccoli are great examples of vegetables we should be eating. She had handouts of ‘Eat Well” and “Dining Do “light” fully” for us to take home. There was also a question and answer period.
Denise read a note from Betty Ivey in thanks for our bereavement card sent to her in the loss of her husband, Floyd.
Charlotte Marley gave the winners of the Fourth of July contest: KOPS, Donna Parent and for TOPS Joyce Estey.
The next meeting will be Friday, July 24 at the same location. Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. and the meeting starts at 9 and usually ends at 10 o’clock.
For more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Everybody is welcome.
Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on July 7, with nine members and three guests present.
The prayer before the potluck meal was given by Maxine Brackett and the Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison by the members.
After the meal, the business meeting was opened by President Jackie Palmer, who also led the flag salute.
Cards were signed and sent to Doug Elwell, Phyllis Wilkins, Cecily MacKinnon and Norma Tripp.
Gini Garrett, RSVP Coordinator, spoke of several fundraisers now going on.
Hostesses were Joyce Harvey and Jackie Palmer.
Next meeting will be July 21. Gloria Noyes will make the birthday cake.
Members present were: Jean Tarr, Maxine Brackett, Joyce Harvey, Jackie Palmer, Mary Lawler, Pearl Grant, Dot Binette, Gloria Noyes and Rubenia Botting.
Guests present were: Frances McKenney, Connie Berry and Gini Garrett, RSVP Coordinator.
The Happy Losers held their July 15 meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 14 ladies weigh-in and 11 attended our class.
We had a great weight loss for the week. Great job ladies!
The Turkey Dogs are winning in our contest, which will end August 12. Frances McKenney was the loser of the week and Loretta Bouchard and Annie Jane Smith were runners-up. Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.
Loretta Bouchard led the program and her topic was drinking milk. Meetings are always interesting and informative.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. call 365-4884 for more information. See you there.
The Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club with 26 members and one guest for a potluck dinner recently. The desserts were great. Grace was said and everyone enjoyed themselves and the meal.
President Bob Locke led the flag salute and the Lord’s Prayer.
The treasurer’s report was read and accepted, as were the secretary’s and the card report.
Dorothy White of Stewart, Fl. was our guest for the day. Joe Messina celebrated his birthday at our last meeting. Food for the animal shelter will be collected. Marie Gilotti read a poem entitled, “I’m well for the shape I’m in.” Bob Locke and Don Marley told stories.
Attending were Katherine Boutilier, Linda Bartlett, Arnold Roach, Tessie Barrett, David Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Doreen and Joe Messina, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Sandra and Wendell Holmes, Ursula Levesque, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Lois and Bud McDonald, Charlotte and Don Marley and myself.
There will be a summer trip Sunday, August 5. Everyone will meet at the Community Center at 8 a.m. Please park on the side of the building.
The Purple Hat ladies met July 14 at the ShamRock Cafe on Bangor Street. The proprietors kept the restaurant open for us after their usual clientele left for the day.
Leader Charlotte Marley met us all at Riverfront Park at one o’clock for pictures. There we met a nice young man with his wife from Brooklyn, N.Y. He said he fell in love with Houlton and didn’t want to leave. He and his mate were just leaving the park when he offered to take our photos. We had a lot of fun with him. His wife is Canadian.
The ladies liked the new enterprise and the owners were happy with us. Charlotte presented them with a ceramic Irish piece. Each lady wrote her first name on the bottom of the item, as a remembrance of the occasion.
Lois Downing said the blessing before the meal.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Peggy Sanders and me, two July celebrants.
When Charlotte opened the program she read a story, “You can tell if you’re a bad cook if.” Other readers were Irene Gillotti with “I’m awfully good for the shape I’m in,” and “Ultimate Quote of the Day.”
Millie Gagnon’s line was, “The Atheist and Believer.”
Nancy Lawrence was chosen as the winner of the Purple Shoe, always an oh-h-h and ah-h work of art by Charlotte.
We had a scavenger hunt and everyone scurried for her pocketbook, as that is where the items were supposed to be. Charlotte asked for, a safety pin, brown comb, shopping list, eyeglass case, a coupon, pony tail holder, a child’s toy and more. The winner was Peggy Sanders.
Peggy’s daughter Dottie was present from Florida.
The next meeting will be at Peggy Sanders’ residence in Smyrna or the Information Center in Houlton. A sign-up sheet for food was distributed.
Charlotte ended the meeting with a story about copper wire, very informative.
Attending from Cary were: Brenda Lacostic and Joanne Scott; from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend and Marie Gillotti; from New Limerick, Doreen Messina; from Oakfield, Maureen Bird, Alma Clark, Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Lawrence, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Sandra Holmes, Evelyn Burpee and Delores Locke; from Smyrna, Charlotte A. Marley and Cindy Gray and me from Houlton.
If you would like to attend a Purple Hat meeting, just come and wear anything purple for a hat. You will be welcome. For information you may call Charlotte at 757-8483.
Ah, Sunday! A day of rest and sunshine today! We are blessed with the sunshine and a beautiful summer day. Hope it lasts a few more days.
Helen Brewer’s sister, Edith, came to visit from Massachusetts. Edith is going back home on Monday, so Helen will miss her when she leaves. While here, Edith and Helen saw a lot of their friends and even went to Oakfield to visit people there. Oakfield is where Helen used to live.
Aldyne Friel was given a going-away party last Saturday in the community room. Aldyne is leaving Ricker Plaza to be with her family in Biddeford. We will miss her in more ways than one. She is the “angel” who shoveled snow and cleaned off our cars in the parking lot. There was music at the party — what is a party without music — with Paul Armstrong and his relatives and friends. Also a lot of hymns and singing. And the food, a potluck, was scrumptious, so it was a good sendoff for Aldyne.
Yours truly was celebrating her own birthday with her daughter Kathryn Hall from Bangor. We had a fun time and I had many phone call and cards from family and friends.
Another report from Alice McQuarrie’s relatives: she is back at the home of daughter Mary. She is feeling better. That’s a good report on Alice.
Elinor Schenk had three colorful balloons decorating her apartment after the party last Saturday. Today, she had them in her window. Elinor is still celebrating. Good for you Elinor.
Lt. Daniel Pelletier, from the Houlton Police Department, phoned me the other day. Here’s his message: The Southern Aroostook Triad is announcing members of the Houlton Police will be holding a meeting, Thursday, July 23 at 1 o’clock in the community room at Ricker Plaza. Guest speaker will be Suzanne Russell, a legal advocate for the elderly. Her topic will be on the elderly in this area and what she has to offer.
Lt. Pelletier will be administering eye scans for identification purposes to those interested. A 10 minute break will follow. Coffee and doughnuts will be available. For answers to questions call Lt. Pelletier at the station, 532-2277. It should be a good program — mark it on your calendar.
Our sympathy is offered to Joyce Hughes and her family in the loss of Urban Hughes, her husband. His Christian burial Mass was offered on Friday at St. Mary of the Visitation Church, and the attendance of members of the Houlton Fire Department in uniform was very impressive. Mr. Hughes was a very nice man. When the Meals on Wheels was in full force here, Joyce and Urban used to help with the project. His family and community will miss Urban. Thank you for all you did, Urban and may God bless.
Had a nice part of a weekend with Kathy. Arrived about 1:30, Saturday, had dinner and then some shopping. She caught a cold and it just came onto her in the morning. At 4:30 a.m. Sunday she woke me up to go to the car with her. She went home as she wanted to be in her own bed. Hadn’t slept all night. Called later to say she had some soup. Was going to rest today so she could return to work tomorrow.
Betsey said she has been working really hard — the job at the Ross Manor, she added, was just the job for her.
Had dinner at Blue Moose with a piece German chocolate cake and a birthday candle! I was one years old! It was fun anyway.
I must call Melva. She’s been on my mind, a lot.
Kathy left a big piece here for me to give to you for painting. It seems you did it once before and now she wants it done again. I’ll bring it on Friday.
My Bible passage for the day is on discipleship: “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20)
Have a wonderful week and take good care of yourself.
Riva Hawkes
The Island Falls High School Alumni Banquet and Reunion, honoring the Class of 1959, will be held Saturday, Aug. 1 at the Municipal building with the buffet dinner beginning at 6 p.m. Reservations may be made without payment; walk-ins are charged an extra $1/per plate. Contact rebecca1@fairpoint.net.
WHAT IS IT?— The volunteers at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton are looking for information on the items in the photo above. Please call 532-7125 or 538-9300 if you can help.