Community Notebook

15 years ago

Sherman Seniors gather
On Wednesday, Sept. 16, the Sherman senior citizens club met for potluck lunch at the Sherman gym with eight members present and listened to an informational report on the subject of Medicare fraud that we seniors should be aware of in our health care encounters. This was presented by Mona Lynch from the Presque Isle officer of Aroostook Area on Aging.
    At 11:30 a.m., Oct. 13, we are planning a trip to Cole’s museum in Bangor. We shall eat at Governor’s restaurant. The entrance fee will be paid at Coles but you are responsible for your meal. Transportation is by van. Meet at Kelley’s Shell station at 9:30 a.m.
Present were Eva Perry, Maxine Wallace, Donna Grass, Mary Lawler, Linniea Perry, Bonita Staples, Annie and Fred Atkinson and Mona Lynch.

Family Gatherings
On Sept. 13, a family gathering was enjoyed at the home of Brian and Linda Wing in Crystal, in observance of Sherri Allen’s birthday (their daughter) and Grandparent’s Day.
A spaghetti meal was enjoyed, presents opened and cake and ice cream were served.
In attendance were the Wings, Sherri, Kristin and Kelsey Allen, and Marcy, Tom and Matthew Hartin.
Plans were made by the ladies that day for a baby shower, as Sherri’s daughter, Kristin, is expecting a baby soon. This will be her first grandchild and the Wing’s first great-grandchild.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallfield and friend Karen from Wisconsin, were in Houlton last week visiting Ann and Cathy Colter and Linwood Jameson.
They also went down to visit the Arthur Howell Refuge.
Robert went to visit his uncle Herbert’s grave in Oakfield and had supper at the Brookside Inn before leaving for home
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jackins were Labor Day weekend guests of Lindsey and Lore Davis in Cambridge, and on Sunday, they were the guests of the Harmony High School Alumni Assoc., of Mr. Jackins’ first students, there to share memories and a reunion dinner.
Happy Losers convene
On Sept. 16, the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
Jackie Pratt, our leader, had charge of the meeting with our pledge and roll call. A total of 14 ladies weighed-in and eleven attended our class. Jane Fitzgerald and Jackie Pratt were the persons who lost the most weight for the week, and Mary Shaw and Shirley Sides were runners-up. Great job ladies! Our contest will be starting next week, and we hope to lose more weight.
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. Our leader led the program for the week. We had an interesting oral quiz.  Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. For more information, call 365-4884.

by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, September 18 meeting.
Eighteen TOPS and five KOPS (keep off pounds sensibly) were weighed. Losers of the week were: Denise Kinney and Joanne Scott as runner-up.
Joyce Estey, leader, welcomed everybody and started the meeting with the subject of the workshop in Van Buren, Saturday, September 12, which she attended with Melva Folsom and Gerry McAfee.
Joyce was impressed with the workshop. She told us that Gerry was number four in the top 15. Gerry received a prize for her efforts. Melva Folsom also spoke on the workshop and told us that being a KOPS is not one considered for the top 15. Joyce came home with blank papers to tell us why our leader is special. Charlotte Marley will take charge and those who want to participate will give her notes to Charlotte.
Our chapter will sponsor the workshop in June. Name tags will not be used at workshops. All chapters will have four digits in them from now on, for instance, our chapter will be 0233, instead of just 233. The new rules will go into effect January 1, 2010.
Charm lady Melva Folsom distributed the following charms: perfect attendance for April, May and June: Joyce Estey, Melva Folsom, Kay Grass, Elinor Harvey, Lois Downing, Barbara Grant, Donna Parent, Brenda Lacostic, Janette Nelson, Barbara Troy and Barbara Whited.
A charm was given for halfway to goal: Joyce Estey, Elinor Harvey, Aileen Smith; for loser of the month: May, Donna Parent, June, Elinor Harvey, July, Opal LeBlond. For those in leeway, Lois Downing for July; Barbara Grant, May, June and July, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent for May and June.
Linda Bartlett received a bracelet for losing the first five pound loss.
Elinor Harvey took pictures and Janice Shaw had her “after” picture taken. Betty Ivey won the skinny dish drawing.
The Oct. 2, program will be filled by Lois Downing. Other slots will be filled by Barbara Grant, Linda Cassidy, and Barbara Whited.
Charlotte’s program was on metabolism and the aging effect. Some of the tips on the subject were: exercise is number one to keep metabolism intact and exercise burns calories; eat balanced meals, eat frequently; drink water as it helps digestion; drink green tea — it is a great source of antioxidants.
Charlotte told us the “Losing to Bloom” contest will end with the next meeting, Friday, Sept. 25.
Ten minutes was spent with a game, Charlotte leading. We sat in a circle and Charlotte asked questions. One responded with a “yes” or “no answer.” Joanne Scott was the winner. It was a fun game and we all had exercise moving to the right or left!
The next meeting is Friday, September 25, at the same location. Weigh-in time is 8-8:45. Meeting time is 9 and usually ends an hour later.
If you need more information on the chapter, please call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8384.

HHS Class of 1965 Begins Reunion Plans
Several members of HHS class of 1965 have met recently to make preparations for their 45th reunion, to be held next summer. They met first on August 27, and again of September 10, with the following class members in attendance: Jean Grimm White, Pat Carrol Brown, Diane Conlogue, Anngaye Woods Ellis, Carol Ivey Blood, Doris Fraser Rollins, Linda Larson Fitzpatrick, Linda Bates Weston, Chicky Stoton McArthur, Connie Taylor Mills, Tana McNutt, Maryann Fitzpatrick Stewart and Ronda Craigs Foss.
The date for the reunion was set for July 9, 2010 at 6 p.m. at the Littleton Snowmobile Club.

Island Falls Seniors
The Island Falls senior citizens met on Sept. 17, at the municipal building for a potluck luncheon.
After the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer.
Secretary’s report was read and accepted.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Discussion was made on going on our foliage trip. This will be on October 1. We are planning on going to Gilmores in Lincoln. Meet at 10 a.m. at the municipal building.
We will be hiring a van for this.
Gini Garrett spoke on RSVP training for Friendly Visits to be held on September 22, at the snowsled club in Oakfield at 10 a.m.
Next meeting will be on October 15. Laura Bomba will entertain.
Those present were Mary Lawler, Gladys Ferguson, Verna MacArthur, Ursula Levesque, Ellie Peck, Helen Sherman, Gini Garrett (RSVP coordinator), Edward Dwyer, Theodore Sherman, Marjorie Nicholson, Terry Dwyer, Mary Pipes, Edith Dwyer, and Rick and Sandy Camire with their granddaughter as guest.
Rick and Sandy entertained and it was enjoyed by all.

Patten Seniors
Patten senior citizens met on Sept. 15, at Meadowbrook Manor with eight members and one guest present.
The prayer before the potluck meal was given by President Jackie Palmer and the Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison by the members present.
After the meal and the Flag Salute, the meeting was opened by President Palmer.
Due to the absence of the secretary and treasurer, no reports were given.
Cards were signed and sent to Virginia Brownlee, Faye Wakefield, Virginia Richardson and Pearl Grant.
Plans for the fall outing was discussed. It was decided to have lunch at Gilmore’s in Lincoln on Friday September 25. We will plan to leave Meadowbrook Manor at 10 a.m.
The birthday cake was made by Jean Tarr.
For the next meeting on October 6, soup and sandwiches will be the menu.
Members present were Annettte Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Mabel Winship, Joyce Hunter, Marilyn Somers, Mary Lawler, Jackie Palmer, Jean Tarr and guest Khanah Halpern.

Sno-Riders plan parade
Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters, Inc. in Sherman will be holding their 5th annual Christmas parade on Saturday, Nov. 28. Santa will be there for pictures and something for the children. A new addition this year will be a fireworks display if we are able to raise the funding. More details to follow as event gets closer. Anyone wanting to donate to this can call Deb Long at 267-1200 or mail their donation to: Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters, Inc., PO Box 323, Sherman, ME 04776.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.