Page makes Eagle Scout
At age 13, Keagan S. Page of Troop 177, son of Greg and Allison Page, recently joined the roll of Eagle Scout, the highest award in Scouting. His accomplishments were celebrated at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor at the Lidstone United Methodist Church on Sunday, Oct. 4.
Keagan was joined in this celebration by a crowd of over 75 friends and family, filling the church to congratulate him on this major achievement. Included in the guests were other Scouts from Easton, Presque Isle and Fort Fairfield, along with Matt Ghirarda, Scout executive for the North Star District.
There were also several Eagle Scouts attending, which included: Tim Roix, Greg Page, Tom Peary, Brian Bixler and Adam Wilcox who also received his Eagle rank with Troop 177 at the age of 13. Adam’s brother and a co-Scout with Keagan, Troy Wilcox, also attained the rank of Eagle at the age of 13.
The Katahdin Area Council Commissioner, Paul Little, opened the ceremony and master of ceremonies was Eagle Scout Tim Roix who was assisted by Committee Chair Stacey Skinner.
During the ceremony Stacey spoke of each rank that Keagan had to obtain and a candle was lit representing each of the ranks by Boy Scouts Taylor Skinner, Parker Thompson, Tyler Jardine and Daniel Roy. Taylor Skinner then recited the 12 points of the Scout law as candles were lit to represent them. Keagan was asked to light the final candle, the Eagle Scout candle, representing his accomplishment of making it to the top of the ranks.
Scout Master Larry Harrison presented Keagan with his Eagle Scout certificate and credentials. Larry also held up the plaque displaying all the names of the Eagle Scouts from the town of Washburn and asked Keagan to place his name on the plaque. It was also noted that Keagan is the 33rd Eagle Scout from Troop 177.
Keith Brown, representing the Washburn Rotary Club, presented Keagan with a 10-year membership into the National Eagle Scout Association. Brown, also representing the town of Washburn as a town councilor, read aloud a proclamation officially declaring Oct. 4, 2009 as “Keagan Page Day.”
During the ceremony, Keagan handed out mentor pins to two people who had helped him in great ways to reach his goal of Eagle Scout. There were many tear-filled eyes as Keagan posthumously awarded his first mentor pin to his grandfather, Darrel Page, who passed away in 2007 and was unable to see Keagan on this special day. Keagan asked that his grandmother, Adeline Page, come forward to receive the pin. Adeline has a special glass cabinet that holds many of Darrel’s possessions and stated that the pin will be added to those things.
The second mentor pin Keagan presented to his father, Greg Page, saying that without his love and support throughout the years he wouldn’t have reached the goal of Eagle. Keagan also paid tribute to two other people that had passed, long-time friend and Scout Leader Wink Larson and his grandmother, Della Carman.
The ceremony was closed with a prayer from the pastor of Lidstone Memorial Methodist Church, Dot Matson, and all joined Keagan downstairs for a luncheon, cake and good conversation that lasted well into the evening.
One of the gifts that Keagan received came as quite a surprise. An American Flag will be flown over the Capitol building on Dec. 7th of this year, Pearl Harbor Day, in honor of Keagan’s accomplishments. The flag will then be taken down and sent to Keagan.
Keagan’s Eagle Scout project included doing repair work at the Lidstone United Methodist Church. He gave the outside handicapped ramp a fresh coat of paint, put in a new five-tier bookcase in the Sunday school room, installed a new computer system and raised a new American and Methodist flag in a flag-raising ceremony on Memorial Day. Keagan would like to thank all the people that donated to his Eagle Scout project fund and would like to give a special thanks to Sure Winner Foods for their very generous donation.
Birthday wishes this week go out to: Angelita Hernandez, Marie Brown, Laurel Whipkey, Roxanne Cray, Shari Hatch, Wayne Churchill, Cindy Condon, Joel Griffeth, Jonathan Rouse, Ashley Berube, Roland Forbes, Elizabeth MacDonald, Anissa Levesque, Sue Fuller, Elida Frederick, Andy Dickinson, Julee Maynard, Courtney Castonguay, Ray Dahlgren, Darcy Carney, Alan Carter, Ray Bolstridge, Casey Bragg, Paula Plissey, T. J. Winslow, Alex Chasse, Drew Thompson, Alex King, Bill Fox, Logan Harvath, Ryan Whipkey, Ben Griffin and Diane Pelkey.
Those celebrating anniversaries include: Keith and Alana Brooks, Dale and Bonnie Lavway, Donald and Freida Thibodeau, Greg and Melissa Thompson, Perlin and Ruth Bull, Ken and Avis Drost, Wallace and Alice Doody and Ivan and Muriel Corey.
Items of interest
There will be a seasonal flu shot clinic held on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at the Civic Center from 4 to 6 p.m. The shots are free for those 9 years of age and older, and if you have Medicare coverage, please bring your Medicare card with you. There will also be information on the H1N1 virus and seasonal flu available.
Members of Saint Catherine’s Catholic Church on McManus St. in Washburn will be providing a special harvest dinner on Sunday, Oct. 25, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and would like you to join them. The menu includes ham, turkey, beans and assorted pies, along with coffee and tea. The cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children and there will also be a 50/50 raffle held and tickets are six for $5 or $1 each. Tickets can be purchased at the Washburn Katahdin Bank from Cheryl Bolstridge.
The Washburn Rotary Club will be putting on their annual Hunter’s Breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 4 to 8:30 a.m. at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse. The menu will include eggs, ham, home fries, French toast, baked beans, donuts, coffee, juice, milk and hot chocolate for $5 per person. There will be door prizes drawn throughout the breakfast as well as tickets being sold for a raffle to be drawn at about 8:30 a.m.
The Lidstone Memorial Methodist Church will be sponsoring a public harvest supper to be held at the Washburn Civic Center on Saturday, Nov. 14, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
The menu includes baked ham, hotdogs and rolls, yellow eye and pea beans, cole slaw, potato salads, sweet breads and pickles. Dessert will include delicious pumpkin and apple pies.
The cost is $3 for ages 12 and under and $7 for adults.
Washburn Soup Kitchen
There is still no news of a facility for the Kitchen, and as of Saturday, Oct. 31, meals will no longer be served. Food boxes will be put up each Tuesday from 8 a.m. to noon until all current supplies are used up. For further information please contact Elizabeth Richardson at 455-4900 or 764-3167.
Rec Center schedule
There will be a fun fall cooking class at the Rec Center for grades 2-4 on Wednesday, Oct. 21, Wednesday, Oct. 28, and Friday, Oct. 30, from 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
There will be a movie for grades K-4 held at the Rec Center on Friday, Oct. 23, from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.
On Monday, Oct. 26, there will be men’s basketball at the elementary school gym from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Be aware that there will be a fun and entertaining Halloween Egg Hunt at the elementary school starting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29. This event is open to grades K – 4.
Boy Scout Camp news
A group of about 20 Boy Scouts, leaders and friends of Troop 177 recently helped a family in need due to illness. They put away five cords of wood in about one hour, each Scout and workers truly flexing some muscles.
After this, they put away another five cords of wood for White’s Service, as a fund-raising event to help with the expenses of the troop. The Scouts then went to their campsite on Scout Drive off the Everett Rd. and cleaned up the campsite, enjoying “Larry’s” new deck on the camp as well as chopping and putting away wood for their wintertime meetings. This will be the first year that they are looking towards staying at the campsite for all the winter meetings. They have projects in mind including practicing their snow skills, and hopefully putting in some snowshoe and ski trails which will turn into hiking trails next summer. The boys worked on jacking up and leveling out the camp and spent the overnighter at the camp planning lots of work schedules in order to make their 15 acres of “wilderness” a true year-round campsite.
Church News
Reverend Jonathan Garlock will be involved in some special services from Friday, Oct. 23 through Monday Oct. 26.
Services will be held at the Washburn Pentecostal Church on Friday, Oct. 23, at 7 p.m. and on Monday, Oct. 26, at 3 and 6 p.m. Regular Sunday services will be held on Sunday, Oct. 25, at 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
KEAGAN PAGE, 13, became the youngest Eagle Scout in Washburn, following a ceremony Oct. 4 recognizing Page’s accomplishment. Pictured congratulated Page is Scoutmaster Larry Harrison.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
The new deck at the campsite of Washburn Boy Scout Troop 177 was constructed by leaders Don Wilcox, Greg Cropley Jr., Stacey Skinner and Adam Wilcox. The boys enjoying it include: Drew White, Taylor Skinner, Parker Thompson, Tyler Jardine, Curtis Thompson, Chris Hartman, Branden Cropley and Daniel Roy.