Staff Writer
The Caribou City Council held it’s regular meeting Monday, Oct. 26, in the council chambers. All council members and City Manager Steve Buck were present.
With no public input scheduled for the meeting councilors first heard an update regarding Caribou’s Sesquicentennial activities from Jim Cyr. Cyr informed the panel of a Sesquicentennial wrap-up meeting to be held today at 4 p.m. at the Caribou Public Library. Cyr also commented on the current Silent Auction being held until the first part of Dec. in which silent bids may be given on the large photographs that filled the city during this summer’s events. Cyr reminded that these historical pictures would make perfect holiday gifts, especially if anyone had family connections regarding the subjects in the photos.
Cyr also referenced the on-going words of appreciation and thanks local residents have offered regarding the work done by the Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry staff throughout the city’s 150th birthday celebration events.
• Council members acted to accept the adoption of the adjustments to the state revised general assistance overall and rental maximums.
• Considered a quarterly update by the Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Joe Sleeper, president of the Chamber, Troy Heald, secretary and Jim Cyr, director; presented the council with an overview of the group’s activities regarding the past four months.
Sleeper informed council members that the chamber is focusing on business attractions and has been involved with APP (Aroostook Partners in Progress). A second group chamber officials are working with includes Mobilizing Maine. Sleeper commented that with the aide of Walt Elish, he felt that this program is extremely important to Caribou and the surrounding communities.
Heald spoke briefly on the Downtown Revitalization programs, mentioning that the development committee has had communications with both Walt Elish and Carl Flora (LDA); he also said that the committee has contact, through Phil Bossie, with Sen. Collins.
Sleeper also updated the panel on business financing, stating that lending facilities the chamber has approached in the past are still lending but have tighter purse strings; Sleeper alluded that the Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry is concentrating on managing its present portfolio.
Jim Cyr addressed the council stating, “ The Chamber played a key roll in the coordination of all the events of the Sesquicentennial, ultimately bringing traffic into the city. The staff played the traditional roll of boosters and very graciously put aside the usual late summer Caribou Cares About Kids project, so this year everything combined with the 150th events — they were the clearing house for information and questions, drop-offs and pick-ups and they did a very good job.”
Councilman Mark Goughan asserted ,” I also want to thank the Chamber staff on how well they handled the demand and how they worked with the public. Goughan’s farm realized the spin-off from all of these events.”
Goughan also noted that regarding the economic side he would like to see chamber officials continue to meet with lenders and encouraged them to meet with state lenders as well.
City Manager Steve Buck also encouraged the CCC&I officials to further participation with the Mobilize Maine program. Wendy Landes, executive director of the CCC&I was also in attendance during the quarterly update.
In other agenda business the council:
• Approved the financial statements for the period ending Sept. 30.
• Considered actions pertaining to a recently donated parcel of land, Tax Map 35, Lot 103, on North Main St. At a previous council meeting, the panel had authorized the city manager to approach the abutting land owners with the option to purchase the parcel of land mentioned. There were no steps taken from the adjacent property owners and at this time the council approved that the land be sent out for public bid.
• Council members approved an amendment to the City of Caribou Tax Acquired Property policy which provides for allocations to the Tax Acquired Property Remediation Reserve.
• The panel considered setting a legislative meeting date to review the pending Segment 4 design and construction for the purpose of an exchange of information and views. This idea had been brought up at an earlier council meeting this month by Mark Goughan who suggested that a meeting with Rep. Peter Edgecomb and Sen. Troy Jackson would give the panel members a chance to voice their questions and concerns.
At Monday’s meeting Buck commented that he would continue to work on scheduling this meeting, commenting that Edgecomb would be available and Jackson had said he would be able to be present if an evening meeting was scheduled. The meeting will take place prior to the legislature returning to session. A date and time is to be announced. Charles Theriault of Madawaska, a member of the transportation committee will also be approached to attend this meeting.
•The city council approved the renewal of a Bingo Game of Chance license for the Caribou Senior Citizens Bingo, located at the American legion Post 15 on Sweden St.
The next Caribou City Council meeting will be Monday, Nov. 9 in the council chambers.