Star Bright Drama Club presentation is this weekend

15 years ago

    HOULTON — The Star Bright Drama Club, sponsored by the Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre, will present the third of its series of Readers’ Theatre Radio Presentations this weekend. The production will feature two of the “Three Stories From Wayside School”, by Louis Sachar and will feature Star Bright Drama Club members Carolyn Hannigan, Tessa McCormick, Anessa Wilde and Alexander Wilde, under the direction oh JoAnn Dunphy.
    The broadcast times for the production will be: Saturday on WBCQ 94.7 (Country Classic Station) 2:15 p.m.; and Sunday on WHOU 100.1 FM at 2:15 p.m.
    This show will be the third in a series of four radio presentations, which included December’s presentation of “The Baker’s Dozen” followed by “The Jade Stone” in January. As part of their preparation for this series, 18 members of the Star Bright Drama Club took part in a special workshop on Saturday Nov. 21,  featuring Houlton native and radio personality John “Mike” Elliott of the “Mike and Mike Morning Show”, who spoke to them about skills they need when performing on the radio and he talked about his background with Children’s Theatre, being a Houlton boy, and how he got started in radio.
    The series of four radio productions is being made possible through the generosity of WHOU owner and general manager David Moore.
    The Star Bright Drama Club began in the fall of 2008 as a way of providing a variety of events and activities, supplemental to the  Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre’s annual production in the Spring, which would give young people working knowledge and exposure to the world of the dramatic arts. The club sponsors a variety of drama and theatre-related events and workshops throughout the year .
    The Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre, founded in 1969 by students at Ricker College, is one of the oldest community children’s theatres in the country and offers live theater FOR and BY children to the Greater Houlton area. The Theatre is a non-profit organization supported by volunteer help and community donations.
    For more information contact Frank Sullivan at 538-9416 or e-mail