by Susan Feeney-Hopkins
By best approximations, 60-70 local residents came out to the Chase Farm in Garfield Plantation for the “Family Fun Day” hosted by the Ashland Area XC Ski Club and the Maine Winter Sports Center Saturday, Jan. 23.
Club member Linda Milligan managed the equipment from the MWSC trailer being sure all participants were fitted and comfortable. Kim Haines, Heather Bessey and Amanda Barker, also club members, kept the fire stoked and the food and drink hot. Kim made molasses cookies on a “reflector stove” offering a nice, sweet treat. To share Mr. Chase’s story of the reflector stove, he explained the stove was made in the 1960s by his friend, Willard Labelle. Labelle had a handicapped leg, and apparently to avoid running back and forth with a warm meal for the woods workers, the stove was erected with stainless steel that Mr. Chase added with a laugh, he himself “never asked where it came from.”
Because of the generosity of landowners Ed and Marilyn Chase, local skiers are able to enjoy the serenity of these fabulous trails. It is obvious the couple has spent a lot of time engineering and maintaining the trails on their property. When speaking to Mr. Chase, he mentioned that they had “a vision” years ago when they bought the farm to create a trail system such as this to be used by family and friends. They are both very proud of their property and genuinely enjoy and encourage others to share in what they feel blessed to call home.
Skiers young and old, new and advanced, came out to enjoy the wonderful day. The fellowship was palpable as the more skilled skiers readily shared helpful tips, new friends were made, and just a good time in general was had by all. Milligan agrees saying, “It’s nice to see people you don’t expect to see, skiing. Grandchildren getting their grandparents out there. It’s nice to see.”
The club has been organized for more than five years and is currently made up of four individuals – Linda Milligan, Kim Haines, Heather Bessey and Amanda Barker. These ladies work very hard at keeping the trail systems up-dated and maintained, as well as planning fund-raising and social events (such as these) and meetings for the club. They are also very active with the local schools and children. Every Thursday they meet to ski with the children offering them guidance and ski instruction. Milligan says they “would welcome new members” and invite parents to come assist in the Thursday ski with their children.
There are over three miles of trails here groomed and very well maintained by club member Amanda Barker with help from Ashland Recreation Director Lendall Tarr.
The terrain offers a really nice ski for beginners or skiers at a more advanced level. Each trail is clearly marked with names such as Bent Saw, Caboose with three of the adjoining trails named Do, Ray, Me and Faa. There are maps in the barn/garage to guide you, as well. A fire pit with picnic tables, and an outhouse are all on trail for guest use. Skiers are invited to use the trails at their leisure. Parking is available on the property, but please be courteous and don’t block the flow of the traffic for the landowners or other skiers. Please, carry out what you carry in (garbage, etc) and extinguish the fire before you leave!
The trail system at the Chase Farm is a local gem, and we are all very fortunate to have them here. Thanks to Ed and Marilyn for allowing us all to enjoy your place and its winter beauty.
The Ashland Area PTO will be having a “Sweethearts-In-Training” dance next Friday, Feb. 12 from 7-9 p.m. at the Ashland Central School Gym. This is a father/daughter and mother/son style dance. An adult must accompany the child, so Grammy, Grampy, Auntie and Uncle, or even a family friend, bring your little sweetheart to this special occasion.
DJ Julie will provide a night full of great music. There will be games, snacks, a photo booth, carnations and lots of fun, fun, fun! Best of all – this is all free of charge! For more information, please contact Kim Holmes at 435-6043.
Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and surrounding townships. She can be reached at 435-8232 or
Photo courtesy of Susan Feeney-Hopkins
FIRST-TIME SKIER Alli Kenney, 6, of Ashland, was a natural.
Photo courtesy of Susan Feeney-Hopkins
LANDOWNER ED CHASE proudly admires the activities taking place on his farm.
Photo courtesy of Susan Feeney-Hopkins
LINDA MILLIGAN, Ashland Area XC Ski Club member, helps Murray Michaud fit his skis loaned to the club by the Maine Winter Sports Center.
Photo courtesy of Susan Feeney-Hopkins
CLUB MEMBER Kim Haines serves some hot chicken stew and beans to Murray and Sue Michaud at the recent Family Fun Day held at the Chase Farm in Garfield Plantation.