Special to the Aroostook Republican
Interested in an easy way to get involved with the Central Aroostook Humane Society and help animals in need? If so, join our Friends auxiliary group. We meet only four times a year and you can put in as much or as little time as you want!
As a member of Friends of Central Aroostook Humane Society, you might help with fund-raisers by volunteering, spreading the word or just attending. You could assist in finding homes for animals by telling your families, friends and co-workers about the dogs and cats available for adoption. Or you might collect donated food, toys and cleaning supplies for the shelter. You’ll be kept up to date on what’s happening with the humane society through occasional e-mails in between the quarterly meetings.
So if you’ve ever thought about getting involved with the shelter but worried about the time commitment, this is your chance to help without dedicating hours upon hours to the cause. Even the smallest contribution of time and energy makes a big difference in the lives of animals at the shelter. If you’d like to join, please e-mail friendsofCAHS@yahoo.com or just attend our first meeting Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 6 p.m. at The Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library, 39 Second St., Presque Isle. This group is open to anyone 18 years of age or older.
It is hard enough to say “goodbye” to a beloved pet. The death of a pet takes a part of our soul with it. I have had my heart broken many times and each time is just as difficult as the first. I take comfort in knowing that my animals have lived their lives knowing that they were loved. It breaks my heart to know how many pets die, never knowing kind words or a gentle hand. How many cats freeze to death in a snow bank and nobody mourns? How many dogs die at the end of a chain and are not found for days? I cry for them, knowing they are out there and instead of being brought into the shelter, they are left alone to suffer in silence.
Remember me with love, not tears, and think of all of our happy years.
When I was sick, you were at my side; your tears and fears, you tried to hide.
I know you did your best for me, but God above was calling me.
The tears with time, will go away, but the love we shared will always stay.
Now the Lord has set me free, that is how I want you to remember me …
Author unknown
If you suspect an animal is suffering, do the right thing, call your ACO (animal control officer) or local police department.
The Central Aroostook Humane Society is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday, or you can call 764-3441 to speak to a shelter rep.
Please have your pets spayed or neutered.