Bennett named new Presque Isle city manager
COUNCIL HIRES BENNETT — Jennifer Trombley, deputy chair of the Presque Isle City Council, congratulates Jim Bennett upon Council’s vote Monday approving Bennett to fill the position of city manager for the Star City.
Staff Writer
PRESQUE ISLE — City officials were introduced to their new boss during a special reception at City Hall Monday, following City Council’s announcement they’d selected Jim Bennett to be the next city manager, filling the position left vacant last fall when councilors voted to not renew Tom Stevens’ contract.
Bennett, 49, brings with him extensive knowledge of the municipal world, having served in various offices over the years, beginning his municipal career as a Lisbon selectman from 1982-86, moving to management positions from there, including: town manager of the communities of Dixfield from 1986-88, New Gloucester from 1988-90 and Old Orchard Beach from 1990-97; and then as city administrator for Westbrook from 1997-2002. Prior to coming to Presque Isle, Bennett served as the city administrator for the city of Lewiston, from 2002 to July 2009. Prior to accepting the position with the Star City, Bennett served as interim town manager for Sabattus.
“After careful deliberation and meeting he and his family, and careful review of his credentials, we (City Council) believe we’ve reached a good decision. He’ll (Bennett) be a benefit to the community,” said Deputy Chair Jennifer Trombley, during Council’s special 4 p.m. meeting Monday to introduce the new manager.
All councilors except Chair Ed Nickerson were present for the session. Those present voted unanimously in favor of appointing Bennett as the new city manager.
“The Council is very impressed with Jim’s proven history as a city manager in Maine and is looking forward to working with him,” said Trombley, in an e-mail to department heads earlier in the day.
“In addition to the proof of his successes, which is visible in the communities that have thrived under his management,” continued Trombley, “we have received nothing but good words about him from our reference checks of former employees, peers and the business communities that he has worked in. We are confident that Jim will benefit the city and will provide an opportunity for employees to excel as well.”
Bennett took a moment to address those in attendance, expressing appreciation to Council for selecting him for the position.
“On behalf of my family, I want to thank you for your confidence (in me) and the hospitality extended me and my family. Thank you for believing I’m the right fit for your community,” said Bennett, noting it was a big decision for he and his family. “I’ve been doing this for 30 years. I started in a similar seat as the councilors. As soon as I can sell my house, I’m looking forward to getting up here. Until then, I’m offering my assistance and guidance and can’t wait to get going.”
Bennett is scheduled to begin his new job full-time, effective March 1. His starting salary will be about $95,000 a year. He has been given a three-year contract with the city.
Council repeated the announcement during its 6 p.m. session, citing the fact the regular session is televised on Channel 16 and that more people were in attendance for the evening meeting, unanimously reaffirming their earlier decision to appoint Bennett as manager.
Bennett took the opportunity to speak again, expressing his commitment to the citizens of Presque Isle.
“On behalf of the citizens, I will try to bring the city to where you want it to be. The legacy is big and expectations even larger, but hopefully I’ll be able to add my small part in the history of longstanding managers (of the city),” he said.
The decision to accept the position was not Bennett’s alone but rather one made by the whole family.
“The reason me and my family decided to come here was the welcome we’ve received here. My children— Amanda, a freshman, Mitchell, a sophomore — Deb, my wife, and I were in town last week and were impressed with the welcome we received, everywhere we went. There’s a sense of community here,” Bennett continued. “My wife and I recently celebrated our 20th anniversary and look forward to our time together” in our new home, Presque Isle.
Bennett said he’s anxious to get started in his new position.
“I’m looking forward to a month from now when I will have relocated here. I look forward to doing everything I can for the community,” said Bennett.
Bennett is recognized as a credentialed manager by ICMA and as a certified Maine manager by the Maine Town & City Management Association. He earned his MBA from the University of Southern Maine and also has undergraduate degrees in business administration and accounting from the University of Southern Maine and Bentley College, respectively. He is one of a handful of city managers nationally recognized as an ICMA Legacy Leader, from his service for several years as a facilitator/instructor in the ICMA Emerging Leaders Development Program. He regularly instructs Cash Management for Municipalities and co-developed and instructs Maine Municipal Association (MMA) Basic Budgeting. He has also served as an adjunct professor at Andover College in the Business Department.
Bennett is active in the Masons, having served as the past master of Ancient York Lodge in Lisbon Falls (2008) and the Shriners, to include participating as a member of the Kora Klown Unit.

CITY OFFICIALS gathered at City Hall Monday afternoon to welcome Jim Bennett as the Presque Isle’s new manager. Pictured, from left: Bennett, Police Chief Naldo Gagnon and Councilor Walt Elish.
Staff photo/Kathy McCarty
WARM WELCOME — Chris Beaulieu, director of the Presque Isle Rec and Parks Department, at left, took a moment to visit with Jim Bennett, the new city manager, during a Monday afternoon gathering at City Hall.