Patten Women
The Patten Woman’s Club will be sponsoring the Art Show at Katahdin High School. It will be held on Friday, April 9 at 6 p.m. The cash prizes are $100 for First Place, $75 for Second, $50 for Third and $25 for Fourth. Many students submit work in various mediums. All are welcome to attend.
Island Falls Happy Losers
On March 24, the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader opened our meeting with the pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh-in and seven attended our class. Pratt was the person who lost the most weight for the week and Hilda Clukey was runner-up. Great job ladies!
The Tulips team is winning in the contest that will be over March 31. We had an informative meeting, with discussion on what we will be doing this week about losing weight. Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday at 8-8:45a.m. weigh-ins and meetings starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.
Patten Senior Citizens
Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on March 16 with 11 members present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison by the members before the potluck meal.
After the meal, the business meeting was opened by President Annette Noyes, who also led the Flag Salute. There was no secretary and treasurer reports given.
Cards were signed and sent to the Fleetwood Anderson family, the Michael Heath family, Pauline Howes and Barbara Wheaton.After the meeting adjourned, Beano was played.
The Game will be played at the April 6 meeting.
Sandwiches will be the main menu item. Members present: Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Rubenia Botting, Maxine Brackett, Gloria Noyes, Marilyn Somers, Marge Heath, Mary Cox and Jean Tarr.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Today is Palm Sunday, Holy Week. May your Easter be filled with love and happiness, joy and good health. Lillian Stairs is probably home now in her third floor apartment after her stint at Houlton Regional Hospital. Lillian was hospitalized for several days.
The weather has been a mixed bag. Rain, snow, snow and rain, wind and then some. And we had some record breaking warm days. It sure is changeable. Nothing we can do about the weather — just enjoy!
Shirley Nason is home too, after her stay at a nursing home and before that the hospital. Shirley is enjoying life and glad to be home. The Triad committee had another meeting here at Ricker. They will announce the next meeting soon and there will be some announcements.
We are all decorated with Easter flowers, plants, bunnies, pictures and what not. It is in keeping with the Easter season. The tree in front of the plaza was taken down by the staff a couple weeks ago. A picnic table has been placed there now and the tree absence gives off more light and attractiveness.
Jeff is still away. He will be returning soon. We say “hi” to all former tenants who are now in the nursing home: Emma Sanders, Shirley at Gardiner Facility, Florence Hanson, Alfreda Lloyd, Marion Hogan.
Irene, who was in charge of the Meals on Wheels in the dining room a while back, was in the plaza recently. I wasn’t one of the ladies who saw her, but the other ladies said she looked great. Hello to Irene!
The passage of the week: “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of those.” Matthew 6:28B 29.
Keep well. God bless your day.
Sherman Seniors Gather
The Sherman Senior Citizen’s Club met at the gym on “the real McCoy” Saint Patrick’s Day, for a wonderful corned beef cabbage and all the fixings dinner, at noon, which was prepared by “Annie”. Pies and desserts were brought by members. Many thanks to all who came, rewarded by the special music of Ivan Clark and his wife, Joanne, and Herbert Stoddard. The two men accompanied on guitars, Joanne on her keyboard and Ivan was the entertaining vocalist, from Lincoln, ME.
Present were guests: Deacon Dan Watson from Medosay, the three entertainers mentioned above, and Helen Stoddard, wife of Herbert, Fred and Annie Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley, Dean and Frances McKenney, Dick and Margorie Hall, Loretta Welculonis, Spurgeon Somers, Muriel Hughes, Donna Grass, and Bonita Staples. RSVP Ginny Garrett and Connie Barry ladies.
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensbily, Chapter 0233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, March 26 meeting. Twenty-one ladies attended; four of these were KOPS.
Joyce Estey is the leader and conducted the meeting. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. Loser of the week was Jackie Reinzo with Gerry McAfee runner-up. The skinny dish was taken home by Linda Baartlett. Janette Nelson led us in 10 minutes of exercises.
Final plans were made for the ride to Van Burn for the workshop March 27. A letter from Janice Cote read by Joyce revealed that a designer of pins is needed for SRD. Charlotte Marley brought us up to date on the contest, “Back to Basics.” She will have the winner’s name next week.
Joyce called on each lady to give her reason for eating and the saboteurs for same. The answers were interesting. Next week is the installation of officers, conducted by Charlotte Marley.
Each Friday weigh-in is 8-8:45 a.m. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually ends at 10 a.m. If you need information about the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everybody is welcome.
Island Falls happenings
On March 21st a Lenten breakfast was held at the Whittier Congregational Church with Candy and Don McKellar as co-chefs. The tables were set with pretty spring flowers on each and the weather co-operated so many enjoyed the menu presented by the McKellars. This included waffles, with syrup, home-made bread, toasted, bacon, cooked by Phil, in place of Sam, who is still away, and eggs done by Don, choice of two juices, coffee and tea. Assisting as waitresses were Marion Hoar , Verna Boone and Sharon Grant. It was great fun and much fellowship enjoyed by all.
Mrs, Susie York has returned home after spending three weeks on the Island of Aruba where it was sunny and warm with no snow to contend with. While there she did a lot of sightseeing, shopping and, of course, enjoying the beaches, and the time went by fast. The day after she returned she woke up to two inches of snow on the ground, but was happy to see it again and it didn’t last too long anyway.
I am still feeding the gray cat a couple of times a day, but now think he belongs to someone as he is sporting a purple collar, I just discovered. Maybe someone abandoned him. Anyway, he has a warm home in the barn. Have enjoyed watching all the goldfinch, nuthatches and chickadees in my feeder. Sure keeps me busy filling up those feeders, though, as they seem to empty quite rapidly. And the deer returned the other afternoon. Had four of them grazing way down back on all the grass that has returned in the warm weather. Don’t need to give them them any more goodies now, I guess.