Local paddlers have strong showing at Meduxnekeag River race

15 years ago

Local paddlers have strong showing

at Meduxnekeag River race

    The results of the Meduxnekeag River Canoe Race, which included 86 canoes or kayaks and 145 paddlers and was held May 1 in Houlton, are as follows: 

Racing Class

    K-1 Long: first, Fred Ludwig, 1:17:01.
    OC-1: first, Fran Cyr, 1:39:02.
    OC-2 Medium: first, Dick and Brian Kelly, 1:34:30 and second, D.W. Smith and Sean Soucy, 1:40:04.
    OC-2 Mixed: first, Mary Hart and Bob Martin, 1:37:16; second, Terry Wescott and Sandra Mitchell, 1:43:40 and third, Dale and Kate Cross, 1:46:04.

Recreational Class (MaCKRO)

    OC-1: first, Brian Galipeau, 1:44:41 and second, Peter Blood, 1:47:04.
    OC-2 Medium: first, Chris and John Neptune, 1:43:30.
    OC-2 Mixed: first, Tammy Kelly and Chip Loring,    1:37:31 and second, Bob and Katie Hessler, 1:39:58.
    OC-2 Junior/Senior: first, Maxwell and Matt Dingle, 1:38:10.


    OC-2 Short: first, Bruce and Mitchell Currie, 1:52:53; second, Robert Spinney and Chris Logan,    1:58:08 and third, Clay White and Mitch Spear, 2:03:45.
    OC-2 Medium (15 percent class): first, Michael Sussman and Andy Mention, 1:41:10 and second, Kyle Stevens and Patrick Ward,    1:48:13.
    OC-2 Medium Rec: first, Allen and Jody Sharpe, 1:49:41 and second, Jim McPartland and Al Cowperthwaite, 2:46:43.
    OC-2 Junior/Senior local (junior 12 and under): first, Pete and Tanner White, 1:57:29; second, Hadley and Ben Boutilier, 2:14:43 and third, Nic and Jarret Fournier, 2:18:31.
    OC-2 Junior/Senior local (junior 13 and older): first, Neil Noble and David Conley, 1:44:13; second,      Brian and Greg Griffin, 2:02:43 and third,     Winarske and Michale Armstrong, 2:05:34.
    OC-2 Mixed: first, Dennis and Dawn Kerekes, 1:54:19 and second, Rob and Tina Brown, 1:59:05.
    OC-2 Women: first, Amber Howe and Rhonda Ireland, 1:59:59; second, Ashley Laking and Taylor Cochran, 2:06:58 and third, Pat Allen and Andrea Brabek, 2:16:40.
    K-1 Short (men): first, Aaron Anderson, 1:59:45; second, Mike Gudreau, 2:05:47 and third, Nick Putnam, 2:38:37.
    K-1 Short (women): first, Christa Galipeau, 2:07:21; second, Margaret Chabot, 2:10:46 and third,  Melissa Wilcox, 2:35:34.
    K-1 Long: first, George Niles, 1:46:44.

Special Class

    Rotary Business: first, Rod Hemingway and Kevin Winslow, 1:45:31; second, Shane Quint and Kevin Carton, 1:48:14 and third, Dave Bates and Fay York,    2:05:33.
    Law Enforcement: first, Aaron Cross, 1:45:35; second, Gary Ferrell and Aaron Bell, 1:51:50 and third,  Jason Monarca and Mitchell McPhee, 2:00:51.
    High School: first, Schyler Collett and Brandon Smith (Orono), 1:47:40; second, Andrew Gilman and Aaron Henn (Danforth), 1:48:04 and third, Nic Tarr and Logan Desmond (Southern Aroostook), 1:51:35.
    College student: first, Jason Cross and Dan Flammin,  1:41:14.
    K-1 student: first, Crystal Nason, 1:36:35 and second, Jenica Frasier and Kristen Tarr, 2:08:15.
    Century (recreation local): first, Bradley and Garth Bean, 1:56:20.
    Century (recreation ex-MaCKRO): first, Tom and Mabert Cronkite, 1:36:34 and second, Tom Towle and Von Perry, 1:37:21.