Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Writing this in the middle of the week— instead of at the first — and during this warm spell. This muggy weather is really getting to me. Last night my window was open all evening and tonight too, but with the forecast this weekend, it won’t last. Oh, the weather, how it changes!
We finished our fifth lesson today with “Healthy Living,” taught by Helen Sherwood, RN case manager and assisted by Brenda McGillicuddy. Today, we had Clare Desrosier as a guest speaker — Clare’s topic was on prescription drugs and how to dispose of them. We had a quiz and each person was given two questions to read to the class. I always learn something and bring some knowledge home, therefore, it is worth my while. I will miss our weekly class which ends Wednesday, Oct. 6. Thanks Helen and Brenda.
We were saddened by Karen Bither’s death which occurred in Bangor Sept. 22. I hadn’t known Karen until she came to Ricker Plaza, but she was always pleasant and had a happy smile. She made lots of friends here and we miss her. Many Ricker friends attended her wake and funeral. Our sympathy goes to her family and friends.
Sylvia Thompson moved to the third floor, not the second as was stated in the last Ricker Rumblings.
A lovely birthday party was held for Dot Weston in the community room Sept. 27. Joyce Bryant, her neighbor and friend, hosted. Joyce made a beautiful cake decorated in the golden yellow colors, trimmed with white. Soft drinks and ice cream and Halloween candy were on the menu too. Joyce was a lovely hostess and made everyone welcome.
Besides the pastor Rev. Randall Burns from the Court Street Baptist Church attending were Mim Nichols, who had charge of the guest book, Carolyn Carmichael, Paul R. Armstrong, Helen Brewer, Connie Barry, Joyce Miller, Lavina Byron, Norma Bates, Gerry Dunn, Doris Hogan, Opal Crane, Priscilla Brownlow, Jeannie Hall, Brenda Belyea, sister-in-law Louise Weston, Dot Campbell, Norma Ellis, Lillian Stairs, Sylvia Thompson, Dewey DeWitt, nephew Tom Weston, Brenda Kincade and Lois Downing. Dot is probably the most senior in the building. She asked me when I wished her a happy birthday, “Is the governor here?” Can you beat that!
Ben Henderson and his partner Jenny had a daughter, born to the couple Sept. 24. The baby is Brian and Charlene Henderson’s second grandchild, a sister to Wyatt. Congratulations to the happy parents.
Paul Armstrong and Carolyn Carmichael drove a friend to Millinocket a couple weeks ago. They visited the new restaurant there. Paul and Carolyn were also in Bangor on a Thursday a few days later. Carolyn is slated for surgery soon and we wish her well.
St. Mary’s parishioners had a pilgrimage to the St. John Valley and its churches on Sept. 24. We boarded a Cyr Brothers bus at 8:20 a.m. with the driver named Jack and our pastor, the Rev. David Raymond as tour guide, and returned to St. Mary’s parking lot at 9 p.m. We sang, prayed, ate and dined at the Northeastland on return. The churches visited were Ste. Luce in Frenchville, St. David in Madawaska, Mont Carmel in Lille (a museum with curator Don Cyr) St. Bruno-St. Remi in Van Buren and St. Louis in Fort Kent. Father Dave gave a delightful tour and pointed out the interesting items and views along the way.
Betty Ann Childers passed out candy and many cookies and other foods were given the travelers. A highlight was Norm and and Verna Sirois renewing their wedding vows in the church where they were married —62 years ago, I think it was! Wow, that was beautiful and such a nice surprise. Attending besides those already mentioned were Elbridge “Boo” Gagnon of Houlton, Rita McDade, Houlton, Paul McGillicuddy, Houlton, Tom and Patty Fitzpatrick of Littleton, Mary Grant of Houlton, Lois Sylvia of Hodgdon, Kenneth C. Larson, Loan Logan, Wanda Brewer, Shirley and Alta Reardon, Judy Reid, all of Houlton, Sally Fitzpatrick, Hodgdon, Muriel Powers of Houlton, Lois Downing, Patti Sloat, Eileen Voisine, Molly and Chester Bailey, Anne and Gil Chaisson, Dot and Dunc Beaton, Lori Adams and B. Adams, Louis and Jo Curry, Helena Lilley and Tom, Lynette and James Dobbs of Littleton, Monique and Morgan Grant of Houlton, Bette Jo Michaud and Annette Stevens of Crystal. Thanks to all involved, it was a fun trip.
Jeff Thiboeau was in Boston a few days ago on a business trip. He is due to go on vacation soon. Charlene Henderson was in Augusta recently too, also on business.
About angels — God made humans a little less perfect than angels so we would have something to live up to.
Some funny pictures are on the bulletin board of Paul Armstrong. Paul is a happy person, always joking and that is what he was doing when he was “snapped.”
Norma Bates’ son and daughter-in-law have left for their home in Texas after a several days’ visit with her. Needless to say they had a great time.
Barbara Spellman helped at the rummage sale held by the Houlton Council of Catholic Women last week. The sale, as always was very successful.
A supply of apples has been brought in for us to use, thanks to the donor.
Also thanks to all the tenants and friends who have left paper and plastic bags beside my door, for our annual rummage sale. It is greatly appreciated.
Marion Hogan, a former tenant and now a resident at Gardiner Nursing Home Facility, is a patent at Houlton Regional Hospital. Our best to Marion.
A ride to Presque Isle on Saturday revealed the foliage is still beautiful! My wish is that the farmers and all those involved in harvest will have a successful one.
My Bible verse is taken from Ezekiel, Chapter 16:60, 63: “I will remember the covenant I made with you … that you may remember … when I pardon you for all you have done, says the Lord God.”
Have a healthy and good week.
TOPS #ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Oct. 1 meeting.
We had our chapter pledge and our regular pledge before we had our roll call.
Leader Joyce Estey was in attendance. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. Melva Folsom helped in the weight room, in place of absent Denise.
We all greeted Heidi McCartney, Robin Atkinson and Bonnie Hardy of Crystal. Each lady introduced herself to the prospectives and told something about themselves.
Eighteen ladies were present including six KOPS. Janice Shaw was the loser of the week with Barbara Grant and Joanne Scott as runners-up.
Betty Ivey was the winner of the skinny dish. Janette Nelson gave a monthly treasurer’s report. Charlotte’s team won the monthly contest with 360 miles walked.
Joyce recommended having the scales checked — she will bring in some sugar, a five pound bag soon, as a way recommended to check the scales.
Melva Folsom read about a birthday diet. Barbara Grant had a reading about “stuff.” Joyce read a letter about fall rally in Presque Isle Oct. 2. Attending the rally were Elinor Harvey, Betty Ivey, Gerry McAfee, Kay Grass, Dale Holden, Lois Downing, Joanne Scott, Brenda Lacostic, Charlotte Marley, Joyce Estey, Janette Nelson, Donna Parent, Opal LeBlond, Barbara Grant, Linda Bartlett, and Maureen Bird. Maureen made the sign for the rally, very colorful.
At the rally a skit was performed led by Barbara Grant, taken from the production of “Menopause,” In the skit were Barbara, Linda Bartlett, Charlotte Marley and chorus girls were Betty Ivey, Maureen Bird and Dale Holden. Receiving awards were Charlotte Marley, Brenda Lacostic, Joanne Scott, Barbara Grant, Donna Parent, Joyce Estey and Betty Ivey. Brenda won the 50/50 drawing. It was a fun day.
The weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. Cut off time is 8:45 to give the time for the girls to do their paperwork. The meeting starts at 9 o’clock and usually ends an hour later.
For more information on the chapter you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-87483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Come and join us an take off weight. You’ll be glad you did.
Island Falls news
Mrs. Virginia Mason, Island Falls, her daughter-in-law, Josephine Small, and Josephine’s daughter, Annabelle, from Oakfield have returned home from a two week trip to Germany, flying from Bangor to Philadelphia and from there over seas to Germany to visit Josephine’s family. She has been in the states for 10 years and this is the first time her family had seen their granddaughter, Annabelle, who is 3 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando (Junior) Shaw have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Webb at a dinner celebrating the Shaw’s 62 wedding anniversary. Other guests on this occasion were friends Harry and Marge, son, Scott Shaw and Dale Webb. Following dinner a lovely anniversary cake was presented to the couple, made and decorated by Charlene Webb, and which was thoroughly enjoyed by the guests and hosts.
Mrs. Maurine Hannaford has returned home to Kennebunk after spending several days with her aunt, Riva Hawkes. While here she enjoyed driving around the area to look at the foliage with her aunt and they also drove to Brookside where they had an excellent lunch one day.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Varney have closed up their camp on Mattawamkeag Lake and have returned to their home in Winterport for the winter, looking forward to returning when it gets warmer. I had the good fortune to see the doe and her two lambs in my backyard while my niece was here visiting — she was quite thrilled as she is a city gal and could hardly wait to get home and tell her two granddaughters about it all. When I went out to give them some apples, the doe came running right up, as she apparently was used to my voice talking to her and wasn’t timid. The two lambs waited quite a while before they ran up but, of course, by then, the apples were gone.
I have several nuthatches and chickadees in my feeders, with an occasional red pole showing up, plus two bluejays, who really devour those sunflower seeds. To all my friends (and relatives!) who live away and subscribe to the Pioneer, just want you to know that the foliage is really wonderful right now, especially around the lake and the pond. Really enjoy seeing it when I go for my swim at Vacationland Estates.