Purple Hat Society holds meeting
by Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society ladies met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile clubhouse in Oakfield on Tuesday, April 12. Several Red Hat ladies were in attendance. Charlotte Marley, leader of Purple Hat ladies, was in attendance and greeted everyone. A welcome poem was read to our guests, the Border Belle Red Hats from Houlton.
A card was signed for Doreen Messina. While in Florida, she suffered a broken ankle. A game, Nuts and Bolts, was played as an ice breaker. Miss Georgia Peach came for a visit and shared all the news going on in Georgia. Everyone enjoyed her visit.
The “Good Tyme Bunch” performed a fashion show. Barbara Grant, one of the Red Hat ladies, led everyone in the Bunny Hop dance.
A delicious meal was served by Bob Locke, Don Marley and Larry Sanders. The menu was roast turkey, potatoes, dressing, gravy and all the fixings. Red Hat ladies provided the desserts. We thank the men very much for helping bring this special day to fruition.
Sandy Wyman had charge of the Easter Egg Tree gift exchange. Peggy Sanders provided door prizes and Doris Sherman went home with a special door prize. Marie Gillotti distributed special Red Hat pins to the Red Hat ladies.
Attending from the Red Hat ladies were: Barbara Grant (queen), Irene Jackson, Marge Pannell, Elva Coburn, Joyce Blake, Marge Melvin, Priscilla Monroe, Sara Regent, Arline Dickison and Mapley Lindsey.
The Purple Hat ladies included: Joanne Scott, Jackie Colella and Brenda Lacostic, from Cary; Kay Grass, from Littleton; Betty Wyman from Houlton; Sandy Wyman and Wannetta Townsend, from Dyer Brook; Peggy Sanders Cindy Gray and Charlotte Marley, from Smyrna; Mildred Gagnon from Island Falls; and Arlene Friel, from Merrill.
Also, Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Evelyn Johnston, Sandra Wyman, Evelyn Burpee, Jennie Barnt, Irene Jackson, Joyce Roy Maureen Bird, Doris Sherman and Ursula Levesque, all from Oakfield; and Marie Gillotti, from Dyer Brook
If you would like more information on the Purple Hat ladies, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the other ladies. The next meeting date and place will be announced.