Ashland students enjoying Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

14 years ago

Ashland students enjoying

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program


by Susan Feeney Hopkins

Thanks to the efforts of the Ashland District School Food Service Manager Nan Belskis, the students in the district are being introduced to healthy snacking alternatives. The school was awarded a grant from the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS).

The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) was developed by the USDA and supported by Obama Administration in an effort to improve the health of our country’s children by providing access to nutritious snacks and meals in schools. It serves as a valuable resource to the participating schools across the nation as a way to help them improve the health and nutrition of the foods they serve.

In addition, it is a creative way to introduce school age children to a variety of fruits and produce they otherwise might not have the opportunity to consume or sample. What a great program this is for our young ones — especially in a time when high caloric and sugary snacks are so abundant. This is a fantastic opportunity for our children to taste fresh fruit and vegetables and know they actually like them. Great job Mrs. Belskis. Thank you for all you do!



Photo courtesy of Catherine Packard

Ashland Middle School students competed in the County Battle of the Books sponsored by the area Gifted and Talented program.

They won their battle over knowledge of the book “Cyrano de Bergerac.”

Participating this year were, from left:

Justine Nason, Brittany Harris, Sue Beaulier, G/T teacher and judge; Whitney Page, Catherine Packard, English teacher; Ashley Robinson and Jakob Grey-Purvis.



Photo courtesy of Ashland District School

received a federal grant from the USDA to introduce its school age children to healthy fruits and vegetables as part of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP).

Here, kindergarten student Richie Micciche helps Ashland District School Food Service Manager Nan Belskis deliver snacks to the other students.





Photo courtesy of Ashland District School

a junior at Ashland District School,

shows off one of his origami stars

he constructed as part of his geometry class lesson.



Self-Study Seminar

Christopher Hallett, principal of Ashland District School; Shari Ward, high school science/math teacher; and Teri-Lynn Driscoll, middle school social studies teacher recently attended a Self-Study Seminar on May 4 at Poland Regional High School. Sponsored by the Commission on Public Secondary Schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the Self-Study Seminar is designed to orient principals and steering committee members of schools scheduled for evaluation in the fall of 2013 about the evaluation process and the critical components of the Standards for Accreditation.

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges, founded in 1885, is the oldest accrediting agency in the country and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a reliable agency to award accreditation to New England schools. The Association is a voluntary accrediting agency of 1,879 public and independent schools, colleges and universities, and vocational, technical and career institutions. Of these, approximately 650 middle/high schools, K-12, and high schools have been accredited through the Association’s Commission on Public Secondary Schools.

Portage Lake Historical Society meeting

There will be a Portage Lake Historical Society meeting Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Anyone interested in learning about or preserving the town’s history is invited and welcomed to come!

Model car race

As a new event for Ashland Summerfest 2011, the Masonic Association of Ashland will be sponsoring a model car race featuring the wooden Cub Scout Pinewood Derby car kits and racetrack. This event will be held Thursday, June 30 at 6:30 p.m. and is open to all ages of the public.

Registration is $15 per entry, which includes the Pinewood Derby kit to be made into your racing car. Greater Ashland area Cub Scouts who participated in their 2011 Pinewood Derby may register their car for $10. Cash prizes of $50, $25 and $15 will be awarded the winners of this double-elimination race. A gift certificate of a large pizza will be awarded the Best In Show car.

Car kits, race rules and registration forms are now available from Chris Bessey, Craig Pennison or Dave Basley with the payment of $15. The Masons hope this community family event will be fun for the young and not-so-young as they compete for the fastest car at Summerfest 2011.

Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and the surrounding areas. She can be reached at 435-8232 or