From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news

14 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
Special to the Pioneer Times

100 Years Ago-June 28, 1911
Aroostook Times

    Local business— Ralph Berry, local agent for the Ford automobile has been doing a great stroke of business this past week. He sold a Ford touring car to Shirley Benn of Hodgdon and a Ford torpedo body runabout to Mr. Cole of Island Falls.
    Baseball — When the smoke had cleared away last Wednesday afternoon at the Court street playground, it was found that Joe Deasy with his little bat assisted by T. McElwee with another little bat had been the means of winning the rubber game between these two school teams by a score of 6-2. The final was H.H.S. 6 and Ricker 2.
75 Years Ago-June 25, 1936
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Rotary — Guest speaker at Rotary Club was Aubrey L. White of Spokane, Washington, a resident of Houlton during his boyhood. White has been active in the West in civic development work and has recently had his name given to a scenic parkway in Spokane, which was the product of his vision and planning. He was introduced at the Rotary program by Frank Peabody, a boyhood chum.
Houlton Pioneer Times 1936 File Photo
bs-fromfiles36-dc-pt-26UNITED IN MARRIAGE — Flickering candles in golden candelabras and bouquets of summer flowers decorated the alter at St. Mary’s Church for the wedding of Mary Carroll and Lawrence Burleigh. Mrs. Leo Downie was the organist. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Later the newlyweds left by motor for a honeymoon trip to New York City, Washington, D.C. and West Point.

    New cars — Among the people who have recently purchased new cars are Wallace Ireland, Dr. Swett, Miss Marion Longstaff, Miss Ella Kelley and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain.
50 Years Ago- June 29, 1961
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Eastern Star — More than 400 guests attended a reception honoring Mildred B. McIntosh, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Maine, held at the Gentle Memorial Building.
    Houlton Collegians — Wayne Hartford of Presque Isle is at present the top hurler for the local team with a record of two wins and no losses. Hartford, a member of last season’s Eastern Maine Basketball champions, the Presque Isle Wildcats, is no stranger to local sports fans.
    Houlton — Among those who represented Houlton High School at Dirigo Boy’s State were George Embleton, Richard Denton, John Carson, John Wolhaupter, George Gorham, David McGillicuddy, William Roach and Rodney Doody.
25 Years Ago-June 25, 1986
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Monticello — Carroll M. Fullerton, a retired teacher who has been Scout master of Boy Scout Troop 153 in Monticello since 1963, was one of three persons to receive the Silver Beaver Award. It is the highest recognition of a volunteer Scouter for distinguished service to youth.
    Concert —“Sundance” one of Maine’s top country rock bands from central Maine will appear on July 5 as part of the area’s July 4th celebration.
    Open House — The former Farmers National Bank of Houlton building on Main Street, which was occupied by the J.R. Harvey Insurance Company from the mid 1930s to ‘82, by Kendall’s Jewelry Store from 1982 until purchased this year by Torrey A. Sylvester, is now converted to his law office.