Washburn honors spring athletes

14 years ago

Washburn honors spring athletes

WASHBURN — Washburn District High School held its spring sports awards assembly on June 9 at the Doc Albert gymnasium.


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SOFTBALL — Honored WDHS athletes were, from left: Nicole Olson, Rookie of the Year; Amanda Libby, Coaches’ award; and Carmen Bragg, MVP.

Softball coach Tammy Tatlock presented Three Year Plaques to Lindsey Blackstone, Kristi Sperrey, Breanna Hyde and Tia Dee. Earning certificates and pins were Blackstone, Sperry, Dee, Amanda Libby, Hyde, Makayla Ronco, Carmen Bragg, Shenae Burtt, Courtney Cannon, and managers Caitlyn Roix and Owen James. Earning a letter was manager Rachel Rossignol. Rayah Saucier and Carsyn Koch earned certificates. Bragg was named Most Valuable Player. Nicole Olson was named Rookie of the Year. Libby was awarded the Coaches’ Award. Bragg also received a certificate for being named All-Aroostook.


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BASEBALL — Honored Washburn baseball players included, from left: Anthony Viola, Coaches’ Award; Nick Bragg MVP; and  Keagan Page Rookie of the Year.

Baseball coach Ben Goodwin presented a Three Year Plaque to Kyle McLaughlin, Ethan Pendexter and Anthony Viola. Earning certificates and pins were Pendexter, McLaughlin, Viola, Nick Bragg, Kyle Hews, Sean Sperrey, Mike Forand, Chandler Dobson, Kyle Huston, Keagan Page and Andrew McLaughlin. Earning a letter was Anthony Singletary. Jeremy Hartsgrove was presented a certificate. Bragg was named Most Valuable Player. Keagan Page was named Rookie of the Year. Viola was awarded the Coaches’ Award. Bragg also received a certificate for being named All-Aroostook.


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TRACK AND FIELD all-stars were, from left, Zach Davis, Coaches’ award; Carysn Koch, MVP; and Chandler Dobson, Most Improved.

Coach Sean Diette presented awards for the new track program members. Earning a certificate was Andrew McLaughlin. Earning letters were Shaina Tasker, Stephen Kinney and Chandler Dobson. Certificates and pins were presented to Carsyn Koch, Kennedy Churchill, Kyle Mclaughlin, Zach Davis, and Justin Farley. Koch was recognized for having finished first in the 800 meters and second in the mile at the state meet. She was also named All-Aroostook and MVP in track. Davis received the Coaches’ Award. Dobson was the Most Improved track athlete.

Athletic Director presented Varsity Club fleeces to Kyle Mclaughlin, Amanda Libby and Kristi Sperrey. Kyle Huston, Nick Bragg, Kyle McLaughlin, Carsyn Koch, and Carmen Bragg received plaques for having earned four varsity letters this year.