To the editor:
Much has been said about the Feed the County Summerfest held in Caribou on August 20th at Spud Speedway. For the people who attended I’m sure most everyone will agree the concert was wonderful. For people who tried to eat there, they will tell you a different story. Whatever possessed organizers to think that one concession stand could take care of 4,600 people, let alone 7,500 like they expected, is just amazing to me. Where would they have put 7,500 people and the concert would surely have ended before they could have fed them.
When the Summerfest was announced it was said there would be food vendors, such was not the case. Also misleading was the so-called “VIP” parking because there was no other. You couldn’t even get up the road without a ticket for parking. I personally stood in line for food from 6:50-8:20 p.m. At that time, with 22 people still in front of me, I decided to get out of line and go with a warm soda and an ice cream so I wouldn’t miss the main part of the show. After all, I paid to see three opening bands, not stand in line for food. I understand they were very good. Now in order to get to the concession stand, you had to go up a hill, around a corner where the fence was and down a grassy knoll, which was damp and slippery. I personally witnessed two people fall and a little girl cry because she was tired and hungry. That’s just not right.
This wasn’t even the worst part of the venue. That happened when you walked into the venue and were told you couldn’t go back to your vehicle (maybe they thought you had food in it), and that you had to get patted down (yes, like at an airport) by people who were not friendly or very nice. Apparently they must think there are some really bad people living in The County. I have been to many festivals and concerts; as a matter of fact on July 31, I went to the Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island where there was a sellout crowd of 10,000 and no pat-down and you could come and go as you liked. As a matter of fact, we went back to our hotel and then went back to the festival later on. You just had to have your ticket and a bracelet to get back in.
I have been to the Big E in Springfield, Mass. and never got a pat-down and they have tens of thousands of people. Closer to home at the Waterfront concerts in Bangor, no pat-down and plenty of food. I personally feel had there been no beer garden, there would have been more room for food and more places to sit.
The night was a beautiful night, the concert was outstanding, the concert-goers were friendly and in a great mood, for the most part. God blessed us for sure. I feel bad that more people in Aroostook County don’t support their own and I wish we had made more money for “Dixie and the Dixie Chicks.” What a wonderful thing to do, “Feed the County”.
If ever there is a next time, please make changes at the venue and treat the people there with the respect they deserve and remember this winter to continue to help “Feed the County” and God bless Catholic Charities of Maine.
Sheena McHatten
Castle Hill