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This group of local teens, participants in the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department’s annual trip to Baxter State Park, have the claim to fame of being the first group to successfully complete crossing the infamous Knife’s Edge on Mt. Katahdin, in the four years the trip has been offered through the CRX program. The defiant extreme climbers are, clockwise from bottom left: Lindsey Cote, trip leader; Simone Michaud, Austin Scott, John Siddiqui, Chad McCarthy, trip leader; Kerrigan Manter, Neal Sleeper, program director; Mindy St. Peter, Jensen Jones, Cole Jackson and Maura Freme.

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Area youths who participated in the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department’s CRX program in August found themselves on top of Mt. Katahdin in Baxter State Park. Climbers are, clockwise from bottom left: Lindsey Cote, trip leader; Tanner Sterner, Ryan Washington, Keither Draper, Neal Sleeper, program director; Chad McCarthy, trip leader; Lucas Kinney, Courtney Cote, Nicole McHattie and Mitchell St. Peter

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From left: Austin Scott, Simone Michaud and Mindy St. Peter, stop to admire the view as they traversed across Knife’s Edge on Mt. Katahdin. These climbers along with the rest of their group, all in Baxter State Park as part of the Caribou Recreation Department’s annual trip were the first group to successfully complete the Knife’s Edge challenge during the four years of the CRX program.