To the editor:
I recently attended an informational meeting in Houlton for the EqualityMaine referendum to allow same-gender couples the same right to marry afforded to other consenting adults. Five different faith traditions were represented at the meeting. I am moved to know that I have friends and loved ones on both sides of this issue which prompts me to write this letter to share my feelings.
I find it difficult to understand why this has become such an issue in Maine. Although I have heard from various sources that allowing same-gender marriage somehow threatens the institution of marriage, I just cannot see how that is so. My own marriage will be secure, independent of what my neighbors, be they gay or straight, may be doing in their homes. My marriage is strong and will not be harmed by allowing same gender couples the same rights I enjoy.
Whether marriage is between a man and a woman or two men or two women, it is the institution itself which is important. Marriage signifies the covenant between two people to be faithful, loving, and supportive throughout the legal contract of marriage. I use covenant and contract in the same sentence because, certainly, there can be covenant without contract and vice versa.
The central problem is one of legality, whether or not all people are entitled to the same legal rights under the law. I believe that is so. I believe it is one of the freedoms we are privileged to hold in this country — the freedom to be happy with whomever we choose and the freedom to marry whom we choose.
If you join me in support of the freedom to marry and EqualityMaine, please visit the website: to volunteer your time or to make a generous donation in support of equal freedoms, rights, and privileges for all Maine’s citizens!
Mellissa Fuller