The Bye Bye Bypass
To the editor:
How many seniors, disabled, children and very poor people will the multi-million dollar project pass by?
Good-bye to many millions of dollars that will be spent on equipment, fuel, repairs, gravel, hot top, steel, labor etc. none of which our poor in this area will benefit from. Most of the millions will tend to benefit those in upper crust category.
It is a well known fact that hungry, poor, disabled and children don’t build roads. It is a known fact that we have these types of people in our city of Presque Isle. I would think our city government and everyone so enthused about building a detour around Presque Isle would at least open one eye to see what is happening around them. Don’t they have just a little bit of feeling for those that are not quite so fortunate, or do they travel with their head somewhere up in the sky.
Can we just imagine that this bypass will be such that a faster supply of food can be delivered to the hungry people in Aroostook County? We only need to look at what a bypass has done to Caribou, do we want Presque Isle to die also.
This bypass will bypass the hungry, poor, disabled, seniors and children. What is so terrible about Presque Isle, Maine that some don’t want outside people to see it. “Pride cometh before a fall.”
Loomis Craig
Presque Isle