Bennett seeks input on budget

12 years ago

Bennett seeks input on budget

By Kathy McCarty

Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — Citizens will have a chance to share their thoughts and ideas with regard to next year’s municipal budget during two upcoming meetings with City Manager Jim Bennett.

    “I’ll be holding two one-on-one meetings with the citizens of Presque Isle to offer them the opportunity to provide input on the 2013 municipal budget prior to the finalization process,” said Bennett.

    The meetings are scheduled for: Wednesday, Sept. 5, from 4:30-5 p.m. at City Hall, on Second Street; and Saturday, Sept. 8, from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at Governor’s Restaurant, on Main Street.

    “The city’s budget is the blueprint for financial and policy decisions implemented during each fiscal year. It lays the groundwork for what we hope will be our community’s accomplishments in the future. As such, I value residents’ suggestions, comments and feedback prior to presentation and review by the Council,” said Bennett.

    “Governor’s Restaurant is a great place to meet with friends. We thank them for hosting this event at their location,” said Bennett. Past meetings with the city manager have occurred at McDonald’s, Tim Hortons and the Northeastland.

    For more information on the budget, call 760-2785.