Holmes battles to win at Demo Derby

12 years ago

Holmes battles to win at Demo Derby

By Kathy McCarty

Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — Steven Holmes, of Wade, earned top honors again this year, outlasting more than a dozen competitors to take home the win at this year’s Demolition Derby during the final day of the Northern Maine Fair.

Staff photos by Kathy McCarty

    SPECTATORS AND DRIVERS at the annual Demolition Derby at the Northern Maine Fair in Presque Isle stand for the national anthem.
    THE MOOSE WAS LOOSE at this year’s Demolition Derby in Presque Isle, driven by Justin Pelletier. Here, Bobby Anderson, in number 4, speeds up to ram number 18. Anderson finished second overall, with Pelletier taking 11th place.


    This year’s competitors and their cars included: Tim William, in number 13; Kyle Wells, 51; Stuart Cray, 29; Milo Haney, driving number 21; Justin Pelletier, 18; Taylor Condon, 69; and Bob Anderson, with number 4. Also competing were: Caleb Gerritson, 5; Tony Baker, with number 88; Holmes driving number 55; Joseph Silliboy, 78; Derek Bosse, 26; Jesse Clark, in number 521; Damien Boyce, 41; and Jeff McGary, operating number 188.

    The evening’s festivities before the grandstand kicked off with a prettiest car event. Vying for the title were: Holmes, in flame-accented number 55; Wells, in flag-inspired 51; Baker’s 88, whose Tasmanian Devil-inspired car was his little sister’s idea; and Justin Pelletier, whose number 18 ‘moose-mobile’ was inspired by a moose accident the car was involved in about four months ago. Pelletier’s vehicle wowed the crowd, earning first place and $100. Second and $50 went to Holmes, followed by third for Wells and $40, and Baker finished fourth, for $30.

    KYLE WELLS sits atop his car in front of the grandstand prior to the 2012 Demolition Derby in Presque Isle. Wells took third in the Prettiest Car event and 12th in the derby.


    A new feature this year was the Tuff Truck event, which had drivers traversing an obstacle course, with the fastest participant to finish taking the win. Lewis Archer, of Mapleton, in number 40, finished fourth for $50. Joshua Belmain, of Presque Isle, finished third in number 10, for $100. James Clark, of Washburn, drove number 23 to second place and $200. Milo Haney, of Connor, took number 21, a late-model GMC, through the course the quickest, earning $300 for his efforts.

    MILO HANEY, of Connor, took top honor in the first Tuff Truck event, held during the Demolition Derby at the Northern Maine Fair in Presque Isle August 4.
    JOE SILLIBOY, in number 78, takes a hit from number 88, driven by Tony Baker. Both went on to the grand finale, finishing seventh and ninth respectively in the 2012 Demolition Derby, held Aug. 4 at the Northern Maine Fair in Presque Isle.


    Competing in Heat 1 were: Williams, Cray, Pelletier, Anderson, Baker, Silliboy, Clark and McGary. Finishing in the top four were: Anderson who received $100 for finishing first in the heat, followed by Pelletier in second, Baker in third and McGary in fourth.

    Competing in Heat 2 were: Wells, Haney, Condon, Gerritson, Holmes, Bosse and Boyce.  Finishing in the top four were: Holmes who took first and the $100, followed by Gerritson in second, Haney in third and fourth was Bosse.

    TONY BAKER, driver of the Taz-mobile number 88, urges the crowd to applaud during the Prettiest Car competition. Baker finished fourth in that event, and ninth overall in the derby.
    WINNER OF THE 2012 DEMOLITION DERBY, Steven Holmes, of Wade, is interviewed by Fred Parsons prior to the Prettiest Car competition. Holmes had the second prettiest car, but went on to win the main event on Aug. 4.

    Top finishers in these heats moved on to the grand finale. The consolation heat saw the return of Wells, Clark, Condon, Silliboy and Williams. All but Williams advanced to the final round.

    Everyone in this year’s grand finale event earned a minimum of $50 for their efforts. Top finishers, the position they finished in and what they won are as follows: Holmes, first, $1,000; Anderson, second, $700; and Clark, third, $500. Earning $50 each were: Bosse, fourth; Gerritson, fifth; Haney, sixth; Silliboy, seventh; McGary, eighth; Baker, ninth; Condon, 10th; Pelletier, 11th; and Wells, 12th.