Why I’m getting involved

12 years ago

Why I’m getting involved

To the editor:

    At the age of 16, I’m choosing to get involved in the election of 2012. Many people including myself, ask why? There is really only one answer.

This is going to be the future that I become an adult in, and realize that the small town that I grew up in is what I am going to look back on. When I’m older I want to have a place I call home and where I can raise a family. I want to be able to show them the things I did when I was younger. The only way that is going to be possible is if we have strong voices in Augusta. These voices need to speak out and get local families, and business owners to help.

    Day after day many local farms, stores, and logging companies continue to struggle in northern Maine. I believe that the voice to protect the future of District 7 is Troy Haines.

    Having known Troy my whole life, I have seen the dedication he puts into his work, and how he truly cares about Aroostook County. The daily struggles continue, and businesses keep going under the number of open jobs are decreasing.

    Since the job rate is decreasing at a steady pace, families are forced to move away so they can survive. This has become a problem, with businesses closing, and families moving away how will there be a future for Aroostook County? Well, this is where Troy A. Haines has a plan.

    Our farms are forced to shut down due to high costs in traveling to get their cattle USDA inspected, and having other costs to keep there farm going. Troy wants to have a USDA facility closer for farmers to access. This will allow farmers to save money in travel costs, and also keep jobs open in Aroostook County. This is an example of a real idea to create jobs, not just empty words that politicians use, and it shows me that Troy is the right person to help create jobs for us.

    I believe that if Troy A. Haines is elected to represent District 7 there will be a promising future for us. There will be a place that not only I, but many people will be able to look back on and can proudly call home.

Alexis Flewelling
