115 Years Ago- Oct. 21, 1897
• Potatoes listed today at $1.25 per barrel.
• C. L. Brown, B. T. Parsons, W. F. Wright and S. H. Berry started Tuesday on a hunting trip to Wade Plantation.
• Miss Grace Stratton of this village has taken charge of Mrs. E. M. Hines’ millinery department in Washburn for the fall and winter seasons.
100 Years Ago-Oct. 17, 1912
Farming bargains — An ad placed in this weeks paper by The Lafferty Real Estate Company of Caribou reads: “We have sold our large farm on the Washburn Road and offer for sale the personal property thereon, consisting of five spans of horses ranging from 2800 lbs. to 3600 lbs. per span, five cows and heifers all to be new milch in the spring, team wagons, sleds, harnesses and all farming equipment.”
Local business — P. J. Powers informs us that he plans to open his new moving picture house – The Gem Theater – about Thursday of next week. Chas. Dobson of Caribou has leased the blacksmith shop owned by John Ringdahl at the center, and is now ready for all customers.
75 Years Ago-Oct. 21, 1937
Educational dilemma — At this time of year, a problem presents itself to a number of high school boys and girls from New Sweden, Stockholm or other outlying places from the high school where driving or walking puts too great a tax on their energy and time. Therefore, their only alternatives are to find lodging in town or omit the completion of their secondary school training. Many endeavor to seek work to pay for their room and board.
Winter fun — The annual Frost Fair held in the New Sweden Town Hall Wednesday evening was largely attended. The Caribou Winter Carnival Association, of which Judge Irvine E. Peterson is president, held its regular bimonthly meeting; plans for the Feb. 23-25 carnival include improvements on the ski jump, an enlarged skating rink and a County Basketball Tournament.
50 Years Ago-Oct. 18, 1962
Kiwanis celebrate fifth year — It will be the “Fifth Anniversary Night” for the Caribou Kiwanis Club this Saturday at Hotel Caribou, and upwards of 100 are expected to attend the buffet dinner.
Wanted: immigration officers — A new examination for Immigration Patrol Inspector has been announced by the U.S. Civil Service Commission, for filling positions paying $5,355 a year with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. As inspectors, they patrol areas along international boundaries by automobile, on foot, by boat, or as observers in aircraft in search of aliens attempting to enter the United States unlawfully.
25 Years Ago-Oct. 21, 1987
Historical Society news — The Caribou Historical society gathered on Oct. 20 for its monthly meeting. A film video made by the St. Agatha Historical Society was shown in order to generate ideas and information concerning a video about Caribou. Phil Turner, co-chairman of the Historical Society is writing a book which will relate the history of Aroostook County throughout the past 150 years.
Halloween visibility — Maine State Police have announced a new program promoting pedestrian safety. The program, called The October Project, involves distribution of high-quality prisma reflectors to children planning on going trick-or-treating.