To the editor:
Where have the country’s traditional values gone? A local judge recently ruled that a mother was unfit to care for two of her four children because she was a stay-at-home mother, who went to college in the evenings. He states that she has too many responsibilities, and was faulted for not generating any income. Therefore he awarded primary custody to the two girls’ biological father.
The youngest daughter has never left her mother’s side, and barely knows her biological father, yet she is going to be ripped from her mother’s arms and given to him, because the judge feels this is in the best interest of the child.
Since when is having more than two children a reason to allow a stranger to come and take two of them away? What has happened to our society in the last 100 years? How many families had more than two children, previous to this current generation?
I think the Aroostook County family justice system has really made a huge mistake in this case. How can this judge possibly think that a mother who stays home and provides the children with her love, time, and attention be considered unfit? How can he think traumatizing these children by ripping them from the safety and security of the only home they have ever known, and placing them with strangers can be in the best interest of these sweet innocent children?
Colleen Collins
Icard, N.C