100 Years Ago-Dec. 11, 1912
Aroostook Times
Horses vs. autos — Mr. Ansel Libby and friends from Houlton passed through Smyrna by auto recently. All went well until they struck a snowdrift. With the aid of a pair of horses, they were soon on their journey again, thinking, after all, horses were better fitted for Aroostook roads in December than autos.
Local business news — Robert McNelley has leased the store in Pioneer block formerly occupied by The Fashion and will soon open a grocery store. The new Bakery built by L. W. Dyer is being taxed to its utmost capacity in order to supply the demand for his goods.
75 Years Ago-Dec. 16, 1937
Houlton Pioneer Times
Dear Santa — Dear Santa: Would you please bring me a snow shovel, a pocket knife, and a game, a picture book, and crayons, candy and nuts; I am a good boy. Dear Santa: Please send me a pair of shoe moccasins in size 8 or a dress size 5 and I promise to be a good girl; I also have a little baby sister that would like to have something too.
Potato news — Commissioner Frank P. Washburn of the Maine Department of Agriculture Tuesday announced the establishment of a new potato grade, known as “utility” to take care of potatoes “not conforming to grades and regulations already set up.”
50 Years Ago-Dec. 13, 1962
Houlton Pioneer Times
A Ricker tradition — The Ricker College Annual Christmas Banquet, which will bring approximately 350 faculty, staff and student body members together in Putnam Auditorium at 7 p.m. today, will be opened with the traditional boar’s head and flaming bread pudding served by a cook in a tall hat in the manner of old English festivals, according to Ricker Dean Clyde Lytle.
Island Falls personals — Mr. and Mrs. Zina Corliss and son David of Portland have been guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hartin. Hollis Edwards, 13, shot a 12-point buck the last day of hunting season in T4 R8 near Sandy Cove at Mattawamkeag Lake; this was his first deer. Conrad Walton has been at his home here for a few days.
25 Years Ago-Dec. 16, 1987
Houlton Pioneer Times
Anonymous gift — A “friend” in Florida has given Houlton an early Christmas gift. The accompanying letter addressed to Town Manager Lewis Bone read: “Dear Sir: Many years ago I lived in Houlton and fell in love with the town. I am sending this money order for $5,000 as an expression of my sincere regard for your community. Sincerely, A friend.” The council will discuss possible uses at their next council session.
Pioneer Times 1987 file photo
NO TRANSLATION NEEDED — Last spring some members of the Concerned Citizens of Southern Aroostook wrote letters to persons of the same interest in Russia. Harrison Roper sent some music with his letter. He received a response from a fellow composer who sent some Russian folk music in return. Here Harry on violin and Claudette Gagnon on piano play the music which offers a universal message of peace.
Monticello news — The Monticello Fire Department and Auxiliary held a supper Dec. 7, for their families and senior citizens. It included a turkey supper with all the trimmings served to more than 100 people, a decorated tree and gift exchange. Nancy Hutchinson led the singing of carols with Mrs. Merritt Nason singing a solo.