Pet Talk

12 years ago

By Cathy Davis
    I never quite know what to talk about when we get this close to Christmas because, if you are like me, you are just a tad preoccupied with the holidays. You have baking to do, parties to attend, musicals and concerts and just all the wonderful things that we do with families to get ready for. So thinking about adopting a cat or making a donation to your local animal shelter might not be on the top of your list. And I hate asking you to add one more thing to your calendar.
    Traditionally, Houlton Humane Society has hosted a “Homes for the Holidays” event every December, a way for us to bring you into the shelter for a little party, have some photos with Santa, and put on some adoption specials. This year, however, time has just gotten away from us and we are going to give you a much needed break. But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to have adoption specials and we encourage you to call or stop by the shelter for just one reason, these animals need homes and the last thing we want is for them to spend Christmas morning in a cage.
    A week ago I attended a tea where one of the questions going around the room was “what was your favorite Christmas gift.” Now, don’t tell anybody, because it would be a surprise for them to know, but my answer was “a puppy.”
    When I was 9 years old, my Aunt Dot, Uncle Bill and cousin Billy came to visit us on Christmas morning. Cousin Billy had something hidden in his jacket and my 9-year-old mind thought it was a skunk. That might sound a little odd to most of you, but way back then my cousin Billy used to raise skunks, and in those days you could have them de-scented, and they made the best pets and he was just really good with animals.
    But when Billy opened his jacket, out squirmed the cutest little puppy you ever saw, all hair with just a button nose sticking out, you couldn’t even see his eyes. It was love at first sight, I named him Button (for obvious reasons) and he was my constant companion for the 12 years that he lived. He would sleep with me at night, wake me in the morning, wait for me to come home and just about turn inside out with excitement when I did. He was funny, sweet, and my very best friend.
    At the Houlton Humane Society animal shelter, your best friend is just waiting for you. It might be Daisy, a gorgeous adult gray and white kitty who has just been spayed and whose adoption fee has already been paid. She is just waiting for the right home.
    It might be one of our calicos, or even one of our bunnies. It might be our gorgeous little orange tabby, but each of them deserves to spend Christmas on someone’s lap, not inside a stainless steel cage looking out through bars.
    So as busy as you are this holiday season, won’t you please consider taking just a few moments to adopt a new friend? And if your house is full and you just can’t save one more, would you consider remembering Houlton Humane at Christmas?
    If you are like me, you might not have an extra dollar or two, but I know what you do have, you have trash, and trash is money for us. Houlton Humane earns money for your old cell phones, your used ink cartridges and your “bathroom” trash such as your shower gel containers, your make up containers, your shampoo and conditioner containers. When they are empty, don’t throw them away, drop them off to the shelter, to the electronics department at Walmart or to the Varney Agency.
    We can also use your returnable bottles and if you wish to drop them at my office, we’ll take them right here at 9 Katahdin Lane (across from Tim Horton’s).
    If you have spare cash, if you are looking for a tax write off before the end of the year, then by all means, we would be grateful for any donation, but if you are struggling and have no extra to donate, then just keep a tote to fill with your empty hand wash containers or shampoo containers. 
    Work as a hairdresser? Think of us when you empty your trash and pull out all those shampoo bottles, we’ll take them! We’ll even come pick them up! Just call me at 532-2345 and I’ll come over on my lunch hour and take your ink cartridges or your shampoo bottles.
    Our goal is to place our beautiful healthy pets in new homes, and until we do that, we need funds to pay for food, litter, lights, trash removal, Veterinary bills and more. So please help us, adopt, donate, save us your trash, whatever you can do, keep us close to your heart this holiday season and remember, hug your pet today!