Over the last few years, the Houlton Rotary Club has been actively involved in raising money and securing grants in support of the BioSand Water Filter Program at the Good Samaritan Hospital in the Dominican Republic.
This BioSand Water Filter is an all-natural system that filters out parasites and bacteria which allow the individuals living on the plantations, where the sugar cane cutters and their families live, to have safe and healthy water to drink. Along with the installation of the Filters, these teams of Rotarians will also be providing education on sanitation, hygiene and focusing on hand washing.
A team of seven local Rotarians will be traveling in January to the Dominican Republic to join other Rotarians from Maine and Canada to get our hands “dirty,” but more importantly we will be able to meet the people who will be using the filters and enjoying the benefits of clean, healthy water.
Please come out and support us as we will be having a benefit Spaghetti supper on Friday, Jan. 11, from 5-7 p.m. at the Elks Club. Andy’s IGA, Gardiner Health Care Facility and Houlton Rotarians have generously sponsored this event. Along with the supper, which is by donation only, we will be raffling off a $100 gift card from Andy’s IGA.
Finally, a huge “thank you” to the Houlton Water Company who has been a major supporter of this trip. It is always so amazing to see a company that has been so generous to the local community reach out across our boarders! We also would like to thank those individuals and businesses whose monetary donations have also made this trip a success.