100 Years Ago-Jan. 22, 1913
Aroostook Times
Linneus locals — Linneus Tent No. 81 K.O.T.M. (Knights of the Maccabees, formed in London, Ontario, Canada in 1878) held a public installation in Maccabee Hall on Saturday evening, installing A. O. Sawyer as Post Commander. After the installation of officers was over, the floor was cleared and the young people enjoyed a few hours dancing with music by violin and organ.
Holiday generosity — The (Salvation) Army this Christmas
gave out twenty baskets, feeding one hundred and five people regardless of color or creed. Each contained potatoes, onion, chicken, cranberries, sugar, coffee, milk, bread, butter, pie, apples, oranges, candy and nuts.
75 Years Ago-Jan. 27, 1938
Houlton Pioneer Times
Aroostook Club meets in Boston — The first annual winter meeting of the New England Aroostook Club was held at Hotel Westminster, Boston, on Saturday evening. A very comprehensive display of Aroostook graded potatoes was arrayed in the Crystal Room. Fine booklets on Maine foods and vacation possibilities were soon exhausted by the nearly 200 in attendance.
Fight against polio — All schools have taken part in the Anti-Paralysis Campaign by making contributions to the Pine Tree Society for Crippled Children. This money is to be sent Friday as part of President Roosevelt’s Birthday program.
50 Years Ago-Jan. 24, 1963
Houlton Pioneer Times
4-H news — The Junior Sheep Growers held their third meeting at the Eastern States office on Jan. 16. The leader, Lewis Berce, gave a demonstration on the parts of a sheep. County Agent Chester Curtis was present as were visitors Mr. and Mrs. Perley Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kervin, Leigh Milton and Anthony Fitzpatrick.
At the movies — Showing this week at the Temple Theatre: “Romanoff and Juliet” with Peter Ustinov, Sandra Dee and John Gavin; Walt Disney’s Jules Verne’s “Castaways;” and Jerry Lewis in “It’s Only Money.”
25 Years Ago-Jan. 27, 1988
Houlton Pioneer Times
Harvest historical note — Earlier this month, the SAD 29 Board of Directors voted to once again allow students a three-week leave at harvest time. So entrenched is this vacation from studies, that it’s know as harvest recess, and has been going on around these parts ever since the County’s young men left the fields to fight the Germans and Japanese during World War II.
File photo 1988SAYING GOODBYE — Larry Haggerty, left, is congratulated by John Clark, manager of the Houlton Water Co., upon Haggerty’s retirement from the company. He worked for the water company over 30 years, 28 of which were as construction supervisor for the water and sewer department.
An eight-year run — It had to happen sooner or later. Eight years later it did. Not since February 1980 had the Houlton Lady Shiretowners basketball team tasted defeat on their home court. The 60-game win streak came to an end at the hands of long-time traditional rival Millinocket’s Stearns High School, 50-40.