1938: Caribou BPW celebrates tenth birthday

12 years ago

115 Years Ago- Apr. 14, 1897

• C. F. Ross, the furniture dealer, is making preparation to remove his stock of goods into the store in the Grimes Block, occupied until recently by A. L. Ireland.
• Carl Johnson, while at work in George H. Howe’s shingle mill, had his right arm badly cut. The unfortunate man was conveyed to this village where he had surgical assistance.

100 Years Ago-Apr. 10, 1913

• New curtains for spring — The Sherwood Department Store, A. B. Smith and W. F. Baker, proprietors, announce “A special exhibition of draperies and curtains for spring housecleaning and refurbishing.” Muslin curtains with lace edge, 69 and 89 cents per pair; scrims in colors, border patterns and allover combinations, 12 to 45 cents per yard; and window poles with fixtures, 25 cents each.
• Wagons on collision course — Harry Hitchcock was sawing wood Friday for John Levesque, and Monday for Chas Health. Roscoe Burtchell had quite a smashup Saturday. Going to the Fort he met Herbert Milton near the Aroostook Valley Starch factory; they locked wheels so hard they had to lead their horses home.

75 Years Ago-Apr. 14, 1938

• Caribou BPW celebrates 10 years — The Caribou Business and Professional Women’s Club held its tenth annual birthday party tonight and elected Miss Mildred Semple president for 1938. Other officers elected were Miss Annie Roberts, first vice president; Miss Doris Church, second vice president; Miss Alphena Levesque, secretary, and Mrs. Alice Arsenault, treasurer.
• Stockholm 4-H news — C. E. Tjernstrom, leader of the Hustlers boys’ 4-H club of Stockholm, gave the boys a discussion on how to build a hot bed at the eighteenth meeting held April 5 at the Lutheran Church vestry in Stockholm. At the close of the meeting, Freeland Forsman won a spelling bee which Richard Sjostedt, club secretary, conducted.

50 Years Ago-Apr. 11, 1963

• Of local interest — Peter E. Edgecomb, a graduate of Limestone High School and the son of Mrs. and Mrs. A. J. Edgecomb of Limestone, is practice-teaching in vocational agriculture at Caribou High School for a period of nine weeks. The Socialites Club is sponsoring a food sale at the Red & White Supermarket with all proceeds to benefit the Opportunity Training Center in Presque Isle.
• Telephone sales help wanted — The classified ad lists: Help Wanted, Telephone Sales Ladies. Over 35 years of age and have had some experience selling over telephone. $1.25 per hour. Selling circus tickets from our office for local organization. Apply in person to Jr. Chamber of Commerce Office in Nylander Museum, Caribou.

25 Years Ago-Apr. 13, 1988

• Video dance at Armory — A video teen dance will be held from Friday, April 15, from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Caribou Armory. Music will be provided by the WDHP Video-Van. Cost of the dance is $3 per person. It is sponsored by the Army National Guard and the Caribou Recreation Center.
• Woodland voters nix liquor sales — Woodland voters defeated two liquor sale proposals at Monday’s election. A Monday through Saturday liquors sale at town businesses was defeated by a 156 – 134 vote. Townspeople voted 191- 99 against the Sunday sale of liquor.