On Feb. 15, the VFW Post No.7529 had their monthly public supper and despite the poor weather, many came to enjoy the roast beef and baked ham supper, which was prepared by chef, Gary Hawk,
and assistants, Mariette and Cathy.
It was also the weekend of the fishing derby and many people had come to spend the weekend and enjoyed trying to catch the biggest fish and win a trophy.
I am still seeing three deer who come faithfully every late afternoon to eat the apples and bread I put out for them. I even have one that comes to my front door looking out towards Sam’s and looks for chunks of old bread I throw out for her, patiently waiting until I get it there (quietly, so she will not get spooked and run).
The many birds I have to feed are really into the peanut butter and lard mixture that I put out for them. Seems that they like that better than the sunflower seeds I give them. I make sure the largest feeder is quite full at night, so that when morning comes there is food for all until I can get out there with the peanut butter mixture.
I had a couple of mourning doves eating the sunflower seeds that dropped on the ground, so I threw some out on the snow for them, as they are ground feeders. It keeps me active taking care of the birds and the deer family.