Viking Corner Café serves up Easter brunch

10 years ago

   CARIBOU, Maine — Students at the Viking Corner Café recently prepared and served a traditional Easter brunch for staff, family and friends.
The meal proudly showcased bacon, ham, sausage and eggs, baked beans and home fries, homemade biscuits, pancakes and ployes, egg-shaped fruit pizza, coffee cakes, muffins and beverages.
Instructor JuaNita Campbell said that the event proved to be another valuable learning experience for the food service class. “Throughout the year students learn transferable skills desired by employers including customer service, safety and sanitation, basic literacy and math skills,” she explained.
Campbell also said that the students learn general life skills, including budgeting, personal and home care, resume writing, and job search skills.
“Students gain hands-on experience through daily operation of the Viking Corner Café; students prepare and serve fast foods from a specified menu along with a Wednesday Specialty Dish,” Campbell added.
Take out and deliveries are available during fourth period at the school, which is between 10:51 and 11:38 a.m. Full dining service is available between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.