Deadline extended: MDOL seeks employer feedback on drug-testing

10 years ago

    The Maine Department of Labor is soliciting the input of Maine businesses and other organizations regarding the current statute governing employee-testing for alcohol and drug use in the workplace. Businesses interested in participating in the survey must contact the department to receive a survey invitation; invitations are limited to one per business or organization.

    “Employers are struggling with issues related to substance use and abuse in the workplace. Our labor laws should provide clarity and support safety for workers and customers,” said Gov. Paul R. LePage. “While the legislature chose not to make needed improvements to the law, employers are continuing to ask more and more questions. The department wants to make the right changes to ensure that employers and their customers, other employees and equipment are protected from dangerous situations. This survey will help them do that. I encourage all employers, whether they drug test or not, to participate in this survey.”
    The department has solicited participation in the survey from all the employers with approved drug-testing policies, insurance providers and organizations with a relationship to the issue, including medical marijuana organizations and providers. Those interested in taking the survey should email: Mark Dawson,, in the Bureau of Labor Standards. The online survey takes about 30 minutes to answer; it asks questions about different provisions of the law and asks for suggestions for changes. The survey deadline has been extended; it will be available online through Aug. 22.
    More information on Maine’s workplace drug-testing laws is available on the Department of Labor’s website at