100 Years Ago – May 12, 1915
Aroostook Times
Hubbard lost on Lusitania — Elbert Hubbard, writer, editor and shepherd of a flock of Roycrofters (Arts and Crafts movement), who was a passenger on the Lusitania, was probably better known to Houlton people than any other on the ill-fated ship. He visited Houlton a few years ago as a lecturer for the Woman’s Club.
Open for business — Mrs. Stanley McIntyre has moved from Smyrna street to Fair street where she is prepared to do shampooing, manicuring, chiropody and facial massage and continue to serve her patrons.
75 Years Ago – May 9, 1940
Houlton Pioneer Times
Shop Fishman’s for Mom — Mother’s Day specials featured in this week’s M. H. Fishman Co. Inc. “dime store” advertisement include: Ladies’ coverall aprons, 15 cents ea.; fabric print umbrellas, 69 cents ea.; and an 18-piece Blue Willow luncheon set.
Of local interest — Albro Cowperthwaite, who has had employment at Useppa Island during the winter months, returned to his home here Thursday. Lawrence Tilley, who is employed in the CCC Camp in Bar Harbor, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tilley, Foxcroft road.
50 Years Ago – May 6, 1965
Houlton Pioneer Times
Safecrackers hit Houlton — Police are continuing their investigation into a series of safe robberies that took place at Ricker College, Allied Sales and at Petroleum Products last week. An assortment of hardware including a poleaxe, chisels, hammers and crowbars were used to gain entry into the safes.
File photo 1965BLUE RIBBON WINNERS — These five girls took the top spots in the senior division of the 4-H demonstration days. They include, from left, Betty McAvoy, Anna Qualey and Kathy Robinson, all of the Sewing Seven of Benedicta; and Cynthia McGillicuddy and Linda Snell of Pans and Needles, Hodgdon.
Average County family: $13,000 — Applying national yardsticks to Aroostook County and to income brackets locally, the net worth of the average local family is $13,000. This takes into account cash, savings, investments, car, household equipment, pension reserves, home equity and other holdings.
25 Years Ago – May 9, 1990
Houlton Pioneer Times
New Delta Kappa Gamma chapter — Ten chapters of Alpha Psi State, Delta Kappa Gamma Intl. gathered Saturday in Houlton to install the new Tau Chapter, the 19th in the state.
Fogg’s grand re-opening — In their full-page advertisement: Grand Reopening, Fogg’s Hardware and Building Center, May 10-19 at 57 Bangor Street.
MSBC farewell for Sjoberg — An evening of music and farewells takes place May 13 at Military Street Baptist Church. The sanctuary choir will share anthems of praise and calls to commitment, followed by a farewell reception for David Sjoberg who is leaving to become associate pastor of Lakeview Missionary Church of Zion, Ill.