Bikes for Books expands in southern Aroostook

Karen Donato, Special to the Pioneer Times, Special to The County
10 years ago

Masonic Lodge No. 96 provides biycles to Houlton, Hodgdon elementary students

Houlton’s Masonic Lodge No. 96 sponsored the Bikes For Books program again this year for elementary students. Children were encouraged to read books at home and then submit their name into a grade level drawing for every book read. This is the fourth year for the program.

In 2012 the members donated six bikes to students who participated in the program. This year they gave away 38 bikes to Houlton Elementary School, Houlton Southside School and Mill Pond in Hodgdon.
Lodge members raise money to purchase bikes through a variety of projects and are assisted by the Grand Lodge with a matching grant. Several members donate their own money and other interested individuals and businesses also contribute to this project.
Hogan Tire Company assists by transporting a trailer load of bikes to their Caribou store to be distributed to the nine lodges in the Aroostook district that also participate in the event.
“This is a great help to us and makes the distribution to other communities much easier,” said David Rairdon, senior warden.