Hospital recognizes employees for their many years of service

10 years ago

Hospital recognizes employees
|for their many years of service

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine The Aroostook Medical Center recently honored its employees who have reached milestones in their tenure. Altogether, TAMC recognized a collective 2,115 years of service at the 2015 employee service awards celebration.

     “Of all the resources an organization might have, we know that our human resources are the only ones to appreciate over time. It’s our privilege to recognize our TAMC team members for their years of dedicated, compassionate and high-quality service to our patients, residents, family and friends. They are what truly makes TAMC more than a hospital,” said Joe Siddiqui, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems vice president of human resources, northwest region.
Employees were presented service awards for milestone years ranging from five to 45 years of service during the dinner event, held at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Cynthia Chalou of Mapleton, who is an LPN at TAMC’s Family Practice & Internal Medicine, had the distinction of being the employee honored for the longest service to the medical center. Chalou, who has been described by her leader as warm, kind and very attentive to the patients she serves, was honored for 45 years of service.
Two employees were recognized for reaching 40 years of service: Sheila Eivers of Presque Isle, a supervisor in access management, and Vicki Michaud of Mapleton, a nurse on the medical/surgical/telemetry unit at A.R. Gould Memorial Hospital.
Honored for 35 years of service were: Jane Churchill and Tim McNamee, both of Fort Fairfield; Cherry Cowan and Laverna Williamson of Bridgewater; Rebecca Dean, Dr. Merrill Hersey and Patricia Tompkins of Presque Isle; Nancy Dyer and Tina Tompkins of Mapleton; and Lillian Ouellette of Caribou.
Recognized for 30 years of service were Diane Deschesne, Juliet Freeman, Carole Olore and Connie Duchardt of Presque Isle; Gail Robinson of Mars Hill; and Jeanine Willette of Chapman.
Awards for 25 years of service were presented to Daryl Boucher, Dr. Daniel Fowler, Michael Michaud and Jenny Lowe of Presque Isle; Jeffrey Findlen and Jane Stephenson of Mapleton; and Karla Whittaker of Ashland.
Twenty-year awards were presented to Vilma Craig and Barbara Robinson of Ashland; Gibson Crawford, Penny McDonald and Elizabeth Wipperman of Presque Isle; Dale Gordon of Caribou; Kathleen McKinnon of Bridgewater; Rhonda Orser of Mars Hill; Laura Turner of Washburn; and John Whittaker of Mapleton.
Employees honored for 15 years from Presque Isle were: Helen Allen, Dr. Rebecca Ayala, Joy Barresi Saucier, Nicole Doughty, Sarah Ellsworth, Dr. Joyce Hebert, Sherry Hitchcock, David Powers, Edward Koch, Dawn Poitras and Christine Turner.
Also honored for 15 years were: Kristina Bradstreet, Amy Cronkhite and Laurin Donahue of Blaine; Sheila Bragdon, James Beard, Kenneth Kimball and Rebecca Stepp of Westfield; Joshua Bressett of Van Buren; Heather Caron, Lee Farley, Deana Fitzgerald and Cherri Fitzpatrick of Washburn; Mary Hamilton, Lois McDivitt, Billie Porter, Derek Tompkins and Leslie Wheaton of Mapleton; Nancy Espling of Connor Twp.; Dawn Mahan of Mars Hill; and Ryan Morneault of Caribou.
Forty-three were recognized for 10 years of service, including, from Presque Isle, Claudette Bell, Amanda Bonville, Tracey Bradley, Betsy Carson, Amy Dugal, Jill Elsworth, Tamra Ford, Joyce Harper, Arlene Hatheway, Barbara Ireland, Beth Lint, Roger Marquis, Tina Melvin, Brenda Philibert, Donna Taylor, Jarrod Walton and Carrie Higgins.
Also achieving 10 years were: Charles Ames III, Deborah Crandall and Renee Guerrette of Mapleton; Jeri Ball, Marie Bohovich, Jennifer Chasse, Jennifer Grass, Tracy Jones, Ronald Notenbaum, Brandy Osterblom and Jill Player of Fort Fairfield; Gina Ritchie, Deidre Clark and Valerie Lyons of Chapman; Patricia Brewer and Connie Durost of Mars Hill; Kenneth Case of Blaine; Amy Durland-Faulkner of Easton; Jacqueline Guillemette, Carla Haines, Shannon Jalbert and Pamela Morin of Caribou; Jana Ingraham of Washburn; Cindy Mersereau of Castle Hill; Amber Philbrick of Westfield; and Dr. Nathan Uebelhoer of San Diego, CA.
TAMC’s five year service award recipients from Presque Isle were: Chelsea Adams, Michael Allen, Nicole Belden, Ashley Cash, Mary Coffin, Emily Cote, Taryn Everett, Maureen Jordan, Kristen Kilcollins, Jan King, Donna Kinney, Andrea Perkins, Dr. Beena Sattar and Michaela St. Onge.
Also honored for five years of service were: Norma Ballard, Brittany Lamothe and Haley Powers of Caribou; Crystal Butkovic of Washburn; Melissa Cray, Linsley Hews and Carrie Moro of Ashland; Brigitte Dupont of Linneus; Dr. Michael Faloon of Fort Fairfield; Daniel Gahagan II of Limestone; Sylvia Getman, Cheryl Graves and Williard London of Mars Hill; Judy Hennessey, Christina Quint and Kim Warren of Easton; Dr. David Horne of San Francisco, CA; Marcy King, Dustin King, Dr. Arjun Sood and Dr. Mridula Sood of Mapleton; Denise Kingsbury of Bridgewater; Dr. Venkatram Nethala of Guildford, NH; and Kayla Schurman of Wade.