Collins a profile in courage

7 years ago

We have two distinct political leadership styles at play in the state of Maine.

We have Gov. Paul Lepage — who believes that disparaging an individual or attacking them in social media is an act of superior leadership. Throughout the course of his administration (2010-2017) we have seen his policies erode Maine’s economic standing in the nation. We now rank in the bottom third of the 50 states in nearly all statistical metrics used to measure citizens well-being, health, and economic stability. The latest news is that since he is term-limited he is considering running for Angus King’s Senate seat.

On the other hand we have our native daughter (Caribou), Susan Collins, who in an amazing act of political bravery during the recent Obamacare debate put the needs of her constituents above her personal agenda. She stood fast against the intense lobbying and arm twisting that she was subjected to on a daily basis. She even avoided a death duel threat from a fellow Republican. She chose the people of Maine over her own personal ambition.

During a period of time (early 2000’s) when one of my sons was a congressional intern, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with a handful of congressmen. Their tales of the dog-eat-dog mentality that exists in Washington still resonate with me today. That is why Susan Collin’s decision to lay down her career for her ” beloved Maine” is truly a Profile in Courage.

Patrick Hennessey

Naples, Florida