TOPS – week of January 24, 2018

6 years ago

Seems good to be back after that long, frigid cold spell. Hope we’re all over the worst of winter. But we do live in Maine.

On Jan. 12, there were nine TOPS and four KOPS members present. The loser of the week was “Mystery Lady” and the runner-up was Janette Nelson. Deanne Clark won the 50/50 and Jean Merritt won the skinny dish.

Jean Merritt gave the program on “5 Reasons Not to Diet” taken from the Bangor Daily News. The points were made that fad diets don’t work. When you stop getting the suggested food or counting calories, chances are the weight will go back on. You could become a yo-yo dieter. This type of behavior can harm your health and constant dieting can get in the way of developing good eating habits.

Really good program; thank you, Jean.

On Jan. 19, there were nine TOPS and four KOPS members present. The loser of the week was Marsha Reed and the runner-up was Denise Clark. Barbara Whited won the 50/50 and Betty Wyman won the skinny dish.

Jean Merritt gave the second part of “5 Reasons Not to Diet.” We learned that portion control and healthier food choices are the keys to getting and keeping weight off. Very good, Jean.

Denise Clark gave out ribbons and flowers to congratulate members on our 2017 weight loss.

Barbara Grant, KOPS, got a yellow rose for herself and one to give to the next KOPS, Cheryl Driscoll; Charlotte Marley got a rose for herself and one for Mystery Lady, all to reach the goal of KOPS. Jean Merritt got one for herself and one for Pam Richardson to become KOPS.

Pam Richardson got a ribbon and a red rose for most weight off and being the division winner for 2017. Brenda Lacrostic, Barbara Whited, Mystery Lady, Cheryl Driscoll, Opal Adams, Sally Lincoln, Denise Clark, Barbara Troy and Betty Wyman also received ribbons and flowers.

We all do a great job of supporting each other. Thank you all for your pats on the shoulders. Come join us. For more information or for directions to Friday morning meetings, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.