101 Years Ago – March 22, 1917
Soldier’s monument — Ansel G. Taylor W. R. C. Caribou had raised during the previous six years over $600 for a soldier’s monument. At the annual town meeting, the town voted $1,000 for the Corps fund and the monument was assured. The women of the Corps intended to make the sum up to $2,000 partly by subscription.
Two days’ racing — A meeting of the committee representing the several tracks of Aroostook County, held at Caribou, voted to have two days’ racing at each circuit meeting in each track for purses of $300. Due announcement was made as to where the first race was held.
Roach house — Harold Graves sold the J. W. Roach house, which he had bought the year before, on Dudley Street, to Guy Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, who had been occupying it, moved into the Fernald house vacated by W. W. Henderson and family, who had moved back to Houlton.
75 Years Ago – March 25, 1943
F. W. Auxiliary — The V. F. W. Auxiliary held their regular meeting at the new V. F. W. club rooms, with President Mildred Martin presiding. Alberta Rand was initiated and accepted as a new member. She had three brothers in the service, two in foreign service. In keeping with the current drive, the auxiliary donated to the Red Cross.
Uncle Sam’s Helpers — The newly organized 4-H club in Smyrna Mills under the leadership of Mrs. Margaret Splan and Mrs. Ruby Haskell, had been named Uncle Sam’s Helpers.
50 Years Ago – March 20, 1968
Marketing committee — Nearly 50 farmers attended a joint progressive meeting of the Maine Potato Marketing Committee, District 3, and the Cooperative Extension Service at the Northeastland Hotel. The meeting was the first of five which was held in the five districts throughout the state. Elections were held to fill the Marketing Committee terms expiring. Gerald Staples of Presque Isle was elected producer member; Terrence Brewer of Presque Isle was his alternative. Ned Townsend of Presque Isle was re-elected handler member with Malcolm Mahan of Mars Hill his alternate.
New member — The Presque Isle Kiwanis Club formally inducted their third new member. Welcomed into the club by the membership was Mr. Louis Pepin. Mr. Pepin was born in August, ME, and graduated from Cony High School in 1948. He spent four years with the military most of his time was spent in Trieste, Italy. Following this tour with the army, he attended for one year and graduated from M.C.I. and in 1957, he graduated from the University of Maine. He had worked for the Social Security Administration since 1957. He worked in the Fitchburg, Mass., office until 1961 when he moved to New Bedford, Mass., as a field representative.
25 Years Ago – March 24, 1993
Surgeon’s certification — General surgeon James Haeberlin of Presque Isle received notification from the American Board of Surgery that he completed the certification process and was certified. Haeberlin was certified by the same board in general vascular surgery, and also by the National Board of Medical Examiners. Certification meant that Haeberlin had met a standard in surgery by fulfilling specified educational, evaluation and examination requirements. The American Board of Surgery considers recertification an important process in a diplomat’s continuing education, though it is regarded as voluntary.
RC & D’ annual meeting — Mary Leblanc, representative for Sen. George Mitchell in Presque Isle, accepted the St. John Aroostook Resource Conservation and Development Area’s Distinguished Service Award for her efforts in establishing a national timber bridge program. Leigh Morrow of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Presque Isle accepted a certificate of merit in honor of his efforts toward organization’s goals. Presque Isle High School’s graphic arts department was recognized for their efforts in printing the organization’s material. And Peter Briggs, president of Aroostook Beverage Company in Presque Isle, was presented with a special award for the company’s participation in water quality educational activities.