Mapleton celebrates Memorial Day

7 years ago

The Mapleton Lions Club hosted the annual Mapleton Memorial Day Parade and Remembrance Ceremony, with Conrad Lovely as the Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshall.

Lovely retired as a gunnery sergeant after serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.  After the parade the Remembrance Ceremony was held at the Veterans Memorial Monument at the Mapleton Elementary School.  Brent Boyles, Brigadier General Retired spoke, and Rev. Nathan Gardner offered the invocation and benediction.

The Mapleton Fire Department conducted the laying of the memorial wreaths at the monument, and the ceremony closed with “Taps” by Presque Isle Middle School Band Students Brenna Morneau and Sydney Smith.  

Food sale a success

The Mapleton Seniors held its annual Memorial Day Food Sale before and during the Mapleton Memorial Day Parade.  Funds raised will be donated on behalf of the Mapleton community and the club to the Dahlgren/Skidgel Farm of Hope in Caribou.   

Primary voting polls

Voting for the primary election and school budget will take place on June 12 at the Mapleton Fire Department from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for Mapleton residents; at the Castle Hill Grange Hall from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for Castle Hill residents; and at the Chapman Ridge Runners from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for Chapman residents.   

Mapleton Daze

Mapleton Daze will begin Wednesday June 27.  Here are some of the planned events.

The Mapleton Lions Club, host sponsors, will have two fundraising dinners.  The annual Mapleton Lions Club Chicken Bar-B-Q will be held on Friday, June 29, at 5 p.m. and continuing until all dinners have been sold.  The Mapleton United Methodist Women will pitch in with their selection of 20 or more kinds of homemade pies from which to choose, and the Mapleton Baptist Church will have a variety of homemade ice creams to accompany the pie.  

The Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill churches invite all to the Mapleton Post Office parking lot for free breakfast sandwiches refreshments on Mapleton Daze Saturday at 7 a.m. They will have free drawings and fun stuff for the kids.  They request donations of non-perishable food items for the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Food Cupboard located at the town office. The breakfast is free — no donations accepted or allowed.

Starting at 10 a.m., the Mapleton Historical Society will hold its annual homemade pie and ice cream at the Haystack Historical Museum.

The Lions will host their fundraising baked ham and bean dinner; all are welcome.

If your organization is planning a special event during Mapleton Daze, send information to the email address listed below.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at