TOPS – Week of October 31, 2018

6 years ago

TOPS Chapter of Houlton met Friday, Oct. 19, on Kelleran Street at the Aldergate Building. There were nine TOPS and three KOPS members present.

The loser of the week was Denise Clark and the runner-up was Cheryl Driscoll. Good job, ladies. Diane Folsom won the skinny dish and Brenda Lacostic won the 50/50. Betty Wyman won the health basket.

Our contest is in the fifth week and there is a really good response. Thank you all for participating each week.

Betty Wyman presented the program on ways your healthy lifestyle can be sabotaged. For instance: ” Poor pitiful me, how can my friends eat all they want and not gain, and all I have to do is look at food and …”  Just remember, we’re not missing out on the goodies, and we’re feeling better.

What are our eating cues? External triggers, watching TV or just bored? Maybe it’s our friends. Just one piece of cake won’t hurt. Right, we’ve all heard that.

And that is why we are a member or maybe are thinking of joining. So come join us and get the support and encouragement you all need and deserve.

Thank you, Betty, for the great program.

For more information, call me at 538-8760, or email me at