Houlton Elementary School students celebrate Flag Day

6 years ago

Lea McCluskey recites her Flag Day poem for the audience. (Courtesy of Karen Donato)

HOULTON, Maine — For more than 15 years the first grade teachers at Houlton Elementary School and their students have been ending the school year with a Flag Day performance.

On Friday, June 14, more than 100 students dressed in colorful red, white and blue outfits to celebrate the day. The students performed for the entire student body in the morning and for their family members in the afternoon.

A variety of students from each class shared historical information regarding the United States flag with the audience. The group marched into the cafeteria singing and waving their flags before taking their places on the risers.

Group songs included: ‘I’m A Yankee Doodle Dandy,” “It’s A Grand Old Flag” and “God Bless America.” First grade teachers are Tara Austin, Linda Cowperthwaite, Sarah Estabrook, Cindy Goodrich and Julia Rines.