It is officially spring. Spring is considered a time of rebirth, hope and renewal. With all of the negative press today about the coronavirus, all of us are hoping for a new start with the onset of spring where we can get out and participate in social happenings.
In January, I wrote about the upcoming celebration of Maine’s Bicentennial here in Presque Isle. The Bicentennial Committee has been working hard and, as such, there are several updates. Funding for the events during the year-long celebration here in Presque Isle has been obtained in the form of a grant from the Maine Arts Commission as well as with donations from some local businesses. Here are some of the social happenings and events to look for and mark on your calendar:
Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee funded six bicentennial banners, which will soon be placed up around the downtown.
“Throwback Thursday” Bicentennial Moments on the WAGM evening edition.
From April 1 to June 30, there will be a bicentennial exhibit on display in the McCain Conference Center at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital.
The committee is hoping to reschedule the book signing on “Lost Maysville” with author Evan Zarkadas originally planned for April 4. No new date has yet been determined.
On May 30, plan to attend the season’s grand opening of the Maysville Museum at 165 Caribou Road. Admission to the museum is free. On opening day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., check out all of the new exhibits including the bicentennial exhibit and that on the Mighty Quill Pen. Sample Moxie, Maine’s state drink, and have a mini-whoopie pie, Maine’s state treat (both while supplies last), and learn to write with a quill pen.
Beginning June 18, there will be a series of four acoustic music concerts (the Bicentennial Beat) on alternating Thursdays in the garden at the 1875 Vera Estey House Museum.
On June 26, enjoy a free presentation on “King George’s Broad Arrow” at 6 p.m. at the Hampton Inn.
The Northern Maine Fair is always a great time for everyone and will be July 31 through Aug. 8. This year will be no exception and will include several bicentennial events as well including an enhanced fireworks display. Check the fairgrounds website for more details, at northernmainefairgrounds.com/.
A tradition started during Presque Isle’s centennial in 1959 will be brought back with “Brotherhood of Whiskers,” a beard contest. The judging will take place in October during Heritage Day at the Museum.
There will also be a bicentennial parade with the theme of “Days Gone By.” It will be held Aug. 29 during, and as part of, the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest. Viewing will be in the grandstand at the fairgrounds or along the route as floats pass down Riverside Drive and State Street on their way to the fairgrounds (similar to the old route of the fair arriving in town via the railroad).
The grand finale event will take place on Monday, Oct. 12. “Heritage Day at the Museum” will be held at the Maysville Museum with living history demonstrations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The demonstrations, many of which are participatory, are free to the public. These will include blacksmithing, quilting, spinning, Civil War reenactment, candle dipping, butter making and more. These will take place outside on the museum grounds, weather permitting. Live music will be provided by Wednesday Evening Fiddlers and food will be available for purchase. The museum will be open to the public as well.
Stay up to date with these and other events still to be announced by visiting Presque Isle’s Bicentennial Celebration Facebook page at m.facebook.com.
Kimberly Smith is the resource development and public information officer for the city of Presque Isle. She can be reached at 207-760-2722 or via email at ksmith@presqueisleme.us.