HOULTON, Maine — Spring is normally a time for fresh new beginnings, escaping cabin fever and enjoying a number of town-wide events.
But this year, things are a bit different.
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce has been forced to either cancel or postpone the majority of activities it typically sponsors each spring.
The Southern Aroostook Trade Show, which typically highlights a variety of spring vendors featuring floral displays and lawn care products, was originally slated for April 4-5 at the Millar Civic Center. That event was unable to go off as planned due to Gov. Janet Mills’ Stay at Home order, and has since been pushed to the fall.
“The Trade Show will now be held on Oct. 3-4,” Jane Torres, executive director for the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce said. “We will change the focus to more of an energy expo to help people get ready for winter. We’re hoping it will breathe some new life into the trade show, so we are really excited about that.”
Only two individuals asked for a refund of their table fee, while the majority of vendors agreed to the change of dates.
“The Trade Show is one of our bigger money makers, which is how we are able to survive,” Torres said. “We do have membership dues, but the events are where we make our money.”
One event that will not be happening this year is the Meduxnekeag River Canoe and Kayak race. Traditionally held the first weekend in May, this year’s event has been canceled. It marks the second time in three years that the race will not be held.
In 2018, high water levels and extremely windy conditions forced the cancellation of the race.
“The canoe race is part of the MaCKRO [Maine Canoe and Kayak Racing Organization] Series and they have canceled all of their spring races,” Torres said. “I would love to still be able to do it, but we feel that it would not be appropriate given the circumstances.”
Another extremely popular event, the Black Fly Brewfest, scheduled for Saturday, May 16, has been postponed. Torres said she is still searching for a date to reschedule the beer festival.
“I was holding out hope that we would still be able to hold this event, but it just is not safe to do so right now,” Torres said. “We have 28 brewers that signed up for this year’s event. It is our only ‘adults-only’ event that we put on and it really brings in a lot of money for the Civic Center, and it also does a lot to boost the economy in the town, so we don’t want to cancel this one.”
The festival started in 2016 as a way to introduce craft beer makers to Aroostook County. Torres said she has yet to finalize a new date for the event, but is eying Aug. 22, to tie the event in with the town’s annual “Potato Feast Days” celebration.
The Community Market will be going on as scheduled, starting May 23 with a few changes. The popular “farmers’ market” will not be open to crafters until the first weekend in July barring any changes in the COVID-19 response.
“At this point vendors with food, vegetables, plants and any other product deemed essential will still be there,” Torres said. “Each vendor will have to have a hand wash station and a dedicated person taking money. There are a lot of rules and regulations we are coming up with to make it safe for everybody.”
Torres said because the event is outside, they will not have to limit the number of people who can be at the Community Market at any one time, but will be encouraging people to maintain a safe distance from one another.
“Vendor spaces will be as far apart as possible and vendors are to maintain 6-foot social distancing for staff and customers at all times,” Torres said. “Spacing can be marked out with tape.”
She also is encouraging vendors to sanitize by bringing an ample supply of hand sanitizer and to disinfect commonly touched surfaces after each transaction. Pre-packaged food such as “grab and go bags” are strongly encouraged.
One thing that won’t be allowed is food sampling on site. Vendors are also asked to wear a face mask during market hours and to follow safe glove protocols if they choose to wear gloves.
Torres said she is holding out hope that the extremely popular “Midnight Madness” event, scheduled for July 1, will be able to go on as scheduled. That event traditionally draws more than a thousand people to downtown Houlton.
For information on any of these events, contact the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce at 207-532-4216.