HOULTON, Maine — During this difficult holiday season, the power of prayer is a tool many people who believe in it may turn to for guidance and support.
To assist with that endeavor, the First Baptist Church in Houlton has established a “Community Prayer Box” for those who wish to leave a note asking for prayers.
“We felt the need to find a way to reach out to our community, and in these uncertain times that we are living in, we know prayer works, and that many may appreciate knowing someone cares about what concerns them,” Pastor Mark Lunn said. “We want to show them how the love of Christ can work on their behalf.”
“Our Church believes prayer makes a difference, and in these changing times, some may feel the need to be heard, not quite so alone, closed off from the world, and to know that people care for them,” added Tanya Curran, secretary of the First Baptist Church.
The Community Prayer Box is located outside the church at 46 Court St. and features a pad of paper and a pen for people to leave their prayer requests. All requests are confidential and the box will be locked.
The box is accessible by walking or driving up to it in the church’s parking lot.
“This is something we’ve never done before, but we formed a new Community Outreach Committee to brainstorm new ideas of reaching others for Christ,” Lunn said.
The idea was found on the Internet by Curran, who also serves as chairperson for the committee. Lunn said it was a unanimous vote to proceed with the idea.
The box will be checked daily, and the pastor, church president, deacons and chairperson will pray over the requests unless otherwise stated who they would like to pray for them.
For information, visit the church’s Facebook page.