Houlton Council of Catholic women gather for February meeting

3 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met for their monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 7, in the Parish Center at 5:30 p.m. There were three members, Father Kevin Martin and one guest, Jane Stile, present.

President Janet Barker led in our prayers, salute to the flag and cross and our hymn. Father Kevin gave a blessing and we enjoyed a chicken stew made by Janet Barker and dessert made by Mary Grant.

President Janet Barker conducted the business meeting. Alta Reardon read the secretary’s report from the December meeting. Mary Grant gave the treasurer’s report and it will be filed for audit. Reardon also read a thank you from Adoption Solutions of Maine and Cary Library for a donation and also a thank you from Deacon Al.

Barker shared an article and photo of council officers from 1971. Father Martin thanked the council for doing the wreath project. The wreath, which contained 50 $1 bills, was won by Joe Fitzpatrick and donated back to the church.

February birthdays and anniversaries were noted.  Prayers were gathered and Janet led in a decade of the Rosary.

Following the meeting, members and guests addressed Valentine cards for shut-ins and nursing home residents. Our next meeting will be on March 7, at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.  All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.