Nominations open for Young Professionals Institute 2022

3 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – The region’s premier leadership development training experience returns for its 14th year with a virtual format and the theme The Leadership Bucket List. This year’s Young Professionals Institute, a partnership between the University of Maine at Presque Isle and MMG Insurance, will run on Wednesdays from April 6 to May 25, 4-5:30 p.m.

If possible, the finale event will be held in-person. Participants are expected to attend all sessions. Nominations are due by Monday, March 21. The online nomination/application form is available at

The Institute provides area employees with a one-of-a-kind professional development opportunity designed specifically for emerging leaders looking to refine the skills that will bring them long-term success in their careers. YPI 2022 includes an eight-week schedule full of fast-paced and interactive learning. As was done last year, classes will be 90-minute sessions via Zoom video. The format allows organizers to present the offering to up to 20 participants.

“We’re encouraging employers from any location to consider nominating an employee, as travel is not a barrier,” Kim Jones, UMPI director of Employer U, said. “This program provides a unique and tremendously valuable experience that better positions participants for long-term career success through skill building, networking, and learning how to challenge the status quo.”

The theme of this year’s Young Professionals Institute is The Leadership Bucket List. The focus will be on setting and achieving leadership goals, from skill development to continuous improvement to work-life balance. Topics will include leadership communication, teambuilding, conflict resolution, critical thinking, and self-care (all with a bucket-themed twist). Each session will also include information and tools to lead in virtual and in-person environments.

Participants will hone their professional skills through virtual activities and business simulation exercises. Along the way, they’ll hear presentations by embedded guests from the public and private sectors. At institute’s end, they’ll showcase their learning with a presentation given to area business and community leaders.

The Institute is presented by UMPI and MMG Insurance and is supported by Cary Medical Center, Katahdin Trust Company, and Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital. UMPI’s Employer U program facilitates the Institute, with help from several local business and community leaders, and graduates of past Young Professionals Institutes. 

“Now in its 14th year, YPI has cultivated a dynamic curriculum that presents hands-on learning opportunities for rising professionals to refine their leadership skills and position for career advancement,” Matt McHatten, EVP & COO of MMG Insurance, said. “YPI engages young professionals from across Aroostook County, fostering important cross-industry relationships, while equipping the class with essential tools to build foundational leadership skills that will help them adapt and lead throughout their careers. The Institute continues to be a significant asset for area employers seeking talent development opportunities for their team and we encourage employers to nominate rising professionals for this year’s program. We are pleased to support YPI and look forward to engaging with this year’s class.”

YPI sessions focus on the skills employers look for most in prospective employees and candidates for advancement, from teamwork and communication to decision-making, problem-solving, and adaptability. Participants will work together to tackle new assignments each week focused on these skills areas.

Previous sponsors of YPI participants include Acadia Health Education Coalition, ACE Rent-A-Car, Aroostook Agency on Aging, Aroostook County Action Program/Healthy Aroostook, Aroostook Mental Health Services, Inc., Barresi Financial, Carroll’s Auto Sales, Cary Medical Center, Central Aroostook Association, City of Caribou, City of Presque Isle, The County Federal Credit Union, DFAS-Limestone, Dunleavy Law Offices, F.A. Peabody Co., Farm Credit of Maine, Hardscrabble Solutions, Huber Engineered Woods, Katahdin Trust Company, K-Pel Industrial Services, Inc., Loring Job Corps Center, Machias Savings Bank, Maine Centers for Women, Work and Community, MSAD 20, McCain Foods, MMG Insurance, NorState Federal Credit Union, Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital, Northern Maine Community College, Northern Prosthetics, Rathbun Lumber Company, Ryan’s Heart, Sitel, S.W. Collins, TD Bank, Thompson Financial Group, Town of Fort Fairfield, United Insurance, U.S. Postal Service, University of Maine at Presque Isle, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and WAGM-TV.

There is no age restriction for the Young Professionals Institute. YPI is for participants who are “young” in their careers, new to management, on track for promotion, or looking to enhance their professional skills, regardless of age.

There are 20 seats available for YPI 2022. Professionals interested in taking the course must submit their names for nomination or have their business employer nominate them. The nomination deadline is Monday, March 21. Selections will be announced the following day. A $250 registration fee, paid by course participants or their business sponsors, is due by Friday, March 25.

For more information about the short course, which is not being offered for academic credit, please visit or contact Jones at 207-768-9459 or