On Wednesday night, a black and white cat was picked up in the middle of the road by a very kind gentleman. The cat was brought to the Ark and then taken to the vet where it spent the night and most of the next day.
Originally it was thought that it had been in the fire on mechanic st. but that has since changed. The feline was emaciated, basically skin covering bones. It also had a severe urinary infection and only had two teeth left, which were badly infected.
It was thought to be around 13-years-old. This cat did not get like that overnight or even in a week. She had been sick for a while with no medical attention.
She had diarrhea and had to be hydrated. The girls at the vet named her Francesca. She was so hungry she was trying to eat the cat litter. She was put on meds and was eating. Time would tell but she definitely had the will to live!

Francesca, a stray that was brought into the Ark Animal Sanctuary, passed away after just a few days with the Ark.
(Courtesy of Lorraine Monfils)
Sadly, a few days later Francesca passed away during the night despite everyone’s best efforts. Her tiny body had enough and she was tired. It is hard not to get emotional about a cat that had only been with us a few days.
I wish she could have lived longer to get to experience the good things in life. A life where there was always a full dish of food and water, a life with toys and cat beds to curl up in, a life where she didn’t have to search for shelter, a life where she could simply be a cat and soak up the sunshine, play with toys and have her very own human to love her.
Instead she was dealt the life of a feral cat.
From all of the phone calls and messages from people who had seen her, she had been on her own for a long time. She had been spotted in town numerous times. People knew she was sick but couldn’t catch her.
Francesca chose the human she wanted to save her and that was Donald. She accepted his touch, she ate for him and she even purred and head butted him. She was so grateful to him.
A feral cat’s life is not an easy life. It is one filled with fear, pain and hunger. Francesca was literally starving death. I take comfort that when she passed she had a full belly. She was safe and warm and she was loved. She had finally realized that some humans were good.
Francesca you left this world loved. I promise you the rainbow bridge is a beautiful place and we will see you again some day. Fly high sweet girl you have certainly earned your wings.
Thank you for your continued support and as always thank you for reading our column.
The Ark Animal Sanctuary is located on 101 Old Woodstock Road. To contact Lorraine Monfils call 207-532-7387 or check out their Facebook page.