115 Years Ago – Oct. 3, 1907
Resigns and accepts new position — Miss Lizzie Lavoie, who has been employed in A.V. Goud & Co.’s dry goods store, has resigned and accepted a position in the office of the Caribou Water, Light & Power Co.
Remodeling work — The work of remodeling the large store of Shaw & Mitton is now nearing completion. The partition has been taken out, making it probably the largest grocery store in the county.
100 Years Ago – Oct. 5, 1922
New business going up — The roomy two story, brick building being constructed on Vaughan avenue, just west of the Vaughan Hotel, for L S. Bean of Presque Isle, to be used as a Buick auto salesroom, is all done outside but the large plate-glass windows. It is a substantial looking structure and a credit to the business section of our city.
Doors open to the farmers — The Long Lake Starch Co. at St. Agatha opened its factory doors to the farmers to bring in their potatoes. Though only 25 cents is paid there seems to be quite an abundance of potatoes brought into the factory.
75 Years Ago – Oct. 2, 1947
Improved air mail service — Local business places and individuals who would have liked to have airmail for prompt transmittal of important business letters and other correspondence have not been doing so, because airmail from here has been going by train, usually all the way to Boston, and thence taking to the air for points beyond New England. Starting Wednesday, outgoing mail from Caribou will go by messenger car to Presque Isle, daily, leaving there on the Northeastern Airlines plane for Boston (but going from there by train in case of bad weather). The newservice will carry all airmail for points beyond New England, no matter what hour of the day or night letters are dropped in boxes there.
Accepted a new position — Martha Boucher of Ashland, who for the past two years has managed a beauty shop in Waltham, Mass., has accepted a position at the Tiny’s Beauty Shoppe in Caribou, where she will assist in work. Tiny’s is the former Mabel Allen Saloon.
25 Years Ago – Oct. 1, 1997
Supporting breast cancer awareness — The Caribou Middle School dressed down last Friday to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Five dollars was donated by anyone who wanted to wear jeans last Friday., bringing the total of $130 to go toward the worthy cause. Sharon McGary, a teacher at the middle school and a member of the hospital auxiliary; Lee Guerette, a chairperson and vice-president of the hospital auxiliary; along with Henry New, principal of the middle school, were on hand. One Friday each month will be ‘Jean Day’ at the school, with all the proceeds going toward a different cause.
Internet access — Brian Levesque, technology coordinator for the Caribou Public Library, demonstrated to Mary Anderson, circulation librarian, ways to navigate on the internet. The library is providing internet access to registered library users. Individuals who haven’t had training are asked to participate in a one-hour training session.